香港腳 Athlete’s foot




足癬,古籍稱之為田螺皰風邪腳氣,俗稱腳癬腳溼氣腳氣香港腳星加坡腳曼尼剌腳[1]運動員腳(由英文「Athlete’s foot」直接翻譯)等,是腳掌表皮受真菌感染長成的一種類皮膚病。


Athlete’s foot, also known as tinea pedis, is a common skin infection of the feet cause by a fungus.[2] It often results in itching, scaling, and redness.[3]In severe cases the skin may blister(水疱).[4] In athlete’s foot infection occurs most often between the toes.[3] The bottom of the foot can also be affected.[4] Fungal infection of the nails(甲癬) or the hands may occur at the same time.[5] It is a member of the group of diseases known as tinea().[6]

’’’香港腳’’’,又稱為’’’足癬’’’{{notetag|其他俗名包含’’’田螺皰’’’、’’’風邪腳氣’’’、’’’腳癬’’’、’’’腳溼氣’’’、’’’腳氣’’’、’’’香港腳’’’、’’’星加坡腳’’’、’’’曼尼剌腳’’’[中1]、’’’運動員腳’’’(由英文「Athlete’s foot」直接翻譯)等。}}是種常見的皮膚病,而這樣的[[皮膚感染]]主要是由黴菌造成的[2] 。它常會引起發癢、脫皮以及皮膚發紅等症狀[3]。在少數病例當中,甚至可能會有[[水泡]]產生的情形[4] 。香港腳所導致的皮膚感染好發於指頭間[3],但足底也有被感染的可能。同時間,還有可能罹患[[灰指甲]]或是手部的甲癬[5]。上述的疾病都是癬類皮膚病的一種[6]

Tinea pedis is caused by a number of different fungi(真菌).[3] This includes Epidermophyton(表皮癬菌), Trichophyton(毛癬菌屬), and Microsporum(小孢癬菌) species.[5] It is typically spread by coming into contact with infected skin or the fungus in the environment.[3] Common areas that these fungi exist are around swimming pools and in locker rooms.[7] It may also be spread from other animals.[8] Usually the diagnosis is made based on the signs and symptoms; however, can be confirmed either by culture or seeing hyphae(菌丝) using a microscope(顯微鏡).[5]


Prevention is by avoiding walking barefoot in public showers, keeping the toenails short, wearing big enough shoes, and changing socks daily.[8][5] When infected the feet should be kept dry and clean and wearing sandals may help.[3] Treatment can be either with antifungal medication(抗真菌药) applied to the skin such as clotrimazole(克催瑪汝) or for persistent infections antifungal medication that are taken by mouth such as terbinafine.[2][5] The use of the cream is typically recommended for four weeks.[5]

預防方法就是盡量避免在公共澡堂行走時光著腳、不讓腳指甲過長、穿合腳的鞋子並每天更換襪子[8][5]。一旦感染後,雙腳需保持乾燥而且穿著涼鞋對疾病的治療是有幫助的[3] 。醫治上,會利用可敷在皮膚上的[[抗黴菌藥]],像是[[克催瑪汝]]就屬此類,或是長時間經由口服的抗黴菌藥物,例如[[療黴舒]][2][5] 。通常會建議病患持續使用軟膏至少四星期[5]

Athletes foot was first medically described in 1908.[9] Globally, athlete’s foot affects about 15% of the population.[2] Males are more often affected than females.[5] It occurs most frequently in older children or younger adults.[5] Historically it is believed to have been a rare condition, that become more frequent in the 1900s due to the great use of shoes, health clubs(健身房), war, and travel.[10]

在1908年第一次對香港腳有完整的醫學記載[9],而全球約有15%的人口感染香港腳[2],男性患者較女性為多[5]。年齡分布上,年紀大的兒童或青壯年的病患比例較高[5] 。根據歷史記錄,1900年代前,香港腳還被認為是罕見疾病,但一直到近代,人們穿著鞋子、使用[[健身房]]、戰爭與旅遊的數量增高,而導致感染人數越來越多[10]