消化道出血(英語:gastrointestinal bleed (GI bleed)、gastrointestinal hemorrhage)是咽至直腸之間任何部位的消化道出血。消化道出血有多種成因,該病的主要形式可以經由病史及身體檢查區別。出血的程度有小至幾乎探測不到,也有大至急性大量出血及危及生命者。
Gastrointestinal bleeding (GI bleed), also known as gastrointestinal hemorrhage, is all forms of bleeding(出血) in thegastrointestinal tract, from the mouth(口腔) to the rectum(直肠).[1] When there is significant blood(血液) loss over a short time, symptoms may include vomiting red blood(呕血), vomiting black blood, bloody stool(便血), or black stool. Small amounts of bleeding over a long time may cause iron-deficiency anemia(缺鐵性貧血) resulting in feeling tired(疲倦) or heart-related chest pain(心绞痛).[2]Other symptoms may include abdominal pain(腹痛), shortness of breath(呼吸困难), pale skin, or passing out(昏厥).[1][2] Sometimes in those with small amounts of bleeding no symptoms may be present.[2]
’’’消化道出血’’’({{lang-en|gastrointestinal bleed (GI bleed)}}、{{lang|en|gastrointestinal hemorrhage}})是[[口腔]]至[[直腸]]之間任何部位的消化道出血[1]。當短時間內大量出血時,可能導致的症狀包含[[嘔血]]、{{le|Coffee ground vomiting||吐黑血}}、[[便血]],或{{le|黑便|Melena}}。長期的小量出血可能導致[[缺鐵性貧血]],而造成[[疲倦]]或[[心絞痛]][2]。其他症狀則包含[[腹痛]]、[[呼吸困難]],或[[昏厥]][1][2]。有時候小量出血並不會有任何症狀產生[2]。
Bleeding is typically divided into two main types: upper gastrointestinal bleeding and lower gastrointestinal bleeding.[3] Causes of upper GI bleeds include: peptic ulcer(胃及十二指肠潰瘍) disease, esophageal varices due to liver cirrhosis(肝硬化) and cancer(癌症), among others.[4] Causes of lower GI bleeds include: hemorrhoids(痔疮), cancer, and inflammatory bowel disease(炎症性肠病)among others.[3] Diagnosis typically begins with a medical history and physical examination(理學檢查), along with blood tests. Small amounts of bleeding may be detected by fecal occult blood test. Endoscopy(內視鏡) of the lower and upper gastrointestinal track may locate the area of bleeding. Medical imaging(醫學影像) may be useful in cases that are not clear.[2]
消化道出血主要分為兩種類型,分別為{{le|上消化道出血|Upper gastrointestinal bleeding}}與{{le|下消化道出血|Lower gastrointestinal bleeding}}[3]。[[胃及十二指腸潰瘍]]、或者[[肝硬化]]和[[肝癌]]容易合併的{{le|食道靜脈曲張|esophageal varices}},也都可能成為導致上消化道出血的原因。[4]而下消化道出血的原因,則通常是[[痔瘡]]、癌症及[[炎症性腸病]]造成的。[3]過去病史、[[理學檢查]]和血液檢查,都可以幫助診斷腸胃道出血。少量的出血可以透過[[糞便潛血檢查]]來判斷,而[[內視鏡]]則可以定位上消化道和下消化道的出血區域。在不清楚病情的情況下,[[醫學影像]]也是一項非常有用的工具。[2]
Initial treatment focuses on resuscitation which may include intravenous fluids(靜脈注射) and blood transfusions(輸血).[5] Often blood transfusions are not recommended unless the hemoglobin(血红蛋白) is less than 70 or 80 g/L.[6][7] Treatment with proton pump inhibitors(氫離子幫浦阻斷劑), octreotide, and antibiotics(抗细菌药) may be considered in certain cases.[8][9][10] If other measures are not effective, an esophageal balloon may be attempted in those with persumed esophageal varices.[3] Endoscopy of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum(上消化道内视镜) or endoscopy of the large bowel are generally recommended within 24 hours and may allow treatment as well as diagnosis.[5]
初步的治療主要關注在{{le|復甦急救|resuscitation}}上如[[靜脈注射]]與[[輸血]][5],通常要[[血紅蛋白量]]以低於70-80g/L以下才會採取輸血急救[6][7]。在某些案例中會使用[[氫離子幫浦阻斷劑]]、{{le|等體制素|octreotide}}與[[抗細菌藥|抗生素]][8][9][10]。如果其他方法都無效,則可能可以推測為食道靜脈屈張,並以{{le|食道狹窄氣球擴張術|esophageal ballon}}治療[3]。一旦發現有消化道出血的狀況發生,建議在24小時內進行[[上消化道內視鏡]]以及{{le|大腸鏡|Colonoscopy}}照影,並進行治療[5]。
An upper GI bleed is more common than lower GI bleed.[3] An upper GI bleed occurs in 50 to 150 per 100,000 adults per year.[11] A lower GI bleed is estimated to occur in 20 to 30 per 100,000 per year.[3] It results in about 300,000 hospital admissions a year in theUnited States(美国).[2] Risk of death from a GI bleed is between 5% and 30%.[2][6] Risk of bleeding is more common in males and increases with age.[3]
上消化道出血比下消化道出血要常見 [3] 。上消化道出血每年每十萬人約發生50到150次 [11]。下消化道出血則是每年每十萬人約發生20到30次 [3]。在[[美國]],消化道出血造成每年30萬次住院人次 [2]。消化道出血致死率為 5% 到30% 之間 [2][6]。消化道出血的風險在男性較高,也隨著年紀而上升 [3]。