足底筋膜炎/Plantar Fasciitis

引言位置 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Medicine/Translation_task_force/RTT/Simple_plantar_fasciitis




<!-- Definition and symptoms -->

Plantar fasciitis, also known as plantar fasciopathy or jogger’s heel, is disorder that results in pain in the heel and bottom of the foot.[1] The pain is usually most severe with the first steps of the day or following a period of rest.[2] Pain is also frequently brought on by bending the foot and toes up towards the shin and may be worsened by a tight Achilles tendon.[2][3] The condition typically comes on slowly.[3] In about a third of people both sides are affected.[1] Typically there are not fevers or night sweats.[3]


’’’足底筋膜炎’’’({{lang|en|Plantar fasciitis}}),又稱’’’跑者足’’’({{lang|en|jogger’s heel}}),是一種足部的疾病。患者會有[[腳跟]]或腳底[[疼痛]][1]。症狀在每天的走路時的頭幾步最嚴重,若休息一段時間後再行走,也會有類似情形[2]。若將腳掌及腳趾向脛的方向彎曲,也會疼痛,若[[跟腱]]很緊,情形會更嚴重[3]。約三分之一的患者都是二腳都有類似症狀[1]。一般來說不會有[[發燒]]或是夜間盜汗的情形[3]

<!-- Cause, mechanism and diagnosis -->

The causes of plantar fasciitis are not entirely clear. Risk factors include overuse such as from long periods of standing, an increase in exercise, and obesity.[1] It is also associated with inward rolling of the foot and a lifestyle that involves little exercise.[1][2] Whilecalcaneal spurs are frequently found it is unclear if they have a role in causing the disease. Plantar fasciitis is a disorder of the insertion site of the ligament on the bone characterized by micro tears, collagen breakdown, and scarring.[1] As inflammation plays a lesser role many feel the condition should be renamed plantar fasciopathy.[4][1] The diagnosis is typically based on signs and symptoms with ultrasound sometimes used to help.[1] Other conditions with similar symptoms include osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, heel pad syndrome, and Reiter’s syndrome.[5][6]


足底筋膜炎的成因尚未完全明朗。危險因子包含過度使用,例如久站,[[運動]]量增加以及[[肥胖]][1]。同時也和[[足部向內翻轉]]和缺乏運動的生活模式有關[1][2]。雖然常常伴隨有[[跟骨骨刺]],但還不清楚它是否足底筋膜炎的產生有關。足底筋膜炎是[[韌帶附著在骨頭上的位置出問題]],常見有微撕裂傷、膠原蛋白崩解以及疤痕組織的產生[1]。由於[[炎症反應]]在此疾病中扮演的角色較輕,許多人認為它應更名為足底筋膜病變[4][1]。根據症狀及徵兆可以做出診斷,偶爾也需要[[超音波]]檢查[1]。其他會有相及症狀的疾病包括[[骨關節炎]]、[[僵直性脊椎炎]]、{{le|足跟墊症候群|heel pad syndrome}}和[[反應性關節炎]][5][6]

<!-- Prevention and treatment -->

Most cases of plantar fasciitis resolve with time and conservative methods of treatment.[2][7] Usually for the first few weeks people are advised to rest, change their activities, take pain medications, and stretch. If this is not sufficient physiotherapy, orthotics, splinting, orsteroid injections may be options. If other measures do not work extracorporeal shockwave therapy or surgery may be tried.[2]



<!-- Epidemiology -->

Between 4% and 7% of people have heel pain at any given time and about 80% of these cases are due to plantar fasciitis.[1][5]Approximately 10% of people have the disorder at some point during their life.[8] It becomes more common with age. It is unclear if one sex is more affected than the other.[1]



2016/1/11 已整合到中文維基 "足底筋膜炎"
