




Methadone, sold under the brand name Dolophine among other, is an opioid used to treat pain and as maintenance therapy or to help with detoxification in people with opioid dependence.[3] Detoxification can either occur relatively rapidly in less than a month or gradually over less than six months. While a single dose has a rapid effect, maximum effect can take five days of use. The effects lasts about six hours after a single dose and a day and a half after longterm use. It is taken by mouth or by injection into a muscle or vein.[3]


Side effects are similar to that of other opioids. Commonly this includes dizziness, sleepiness, vomiting, and sweating. Serious risks include opioid abuse or a decreased effort to breath. Heart arrhythmia may also occur including prolonged QT.[3] The number of deaths in the United States involving methadone poisoning was 4,418 in 2011 which was 26% of total deaths from opioid poisoning.[4] Risks are greater with higher doses.[5] Methadone is made by chemical synthesisand acts on the opiate receptor.[3]

美沙酮的副作用和其他類鴉片麻醉藥相似,常見的包括有暈眩、嗜睡、嘔吐與盜汗。較嚴重的副作用則像是[[濫用]]及呼吸困難。其他如[[心律不整]]包括[[QT期過長症候群]]等症狀都有可能發生[3]。2011年美國國內統計由於[[麻醉藥使用過量]]而造成的死亡人數當中有26%,大約是4418人死於[[美沙酮中毒]][4],使用劑量越高則有越高的機率會有副作用產生的風險[5] 。美沙酮是經由[[化學方式合成]]且其機轉是藉著結合[[鴉片類受體]]以達到止痛效用。

Methadone was developed in Germany around 1937 to 1939 by Gustav Ehrhart and Max Bockmühl.[6][7] It was approved for use in the United States in 1947.[3] Methadone is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system.[8] Globally in 2013 41,400 kilograms were manufactured.[9]It is regulated similarly to other narcotic drugs.[10] In the United States it is not very expensive.[11]

美沙酮大約在1937年至1939年間由[[古斯塔夫·愛哈特]]和[[麥克斯·勃克穆爾]]兩人在德國合成並問世[6][7],於1947年被美國認可且在國內使用.[3]。美沙酮是名列[[世界衛生組織基本藥物標準清單]]內的藥物,同時更為[[基礎醫療系統]]內的重要必須藥品[8]。2013年,全球共生產美沙酮約41400公斤,它的使用規範和一般[[麻醉藥物]]相同[10] 。在美國當地,美沙酮並不是十分昂貴的藥品[11]
