


A burn is a type of injury(創傷) to skin(皮膚) , or other tissues, caused by heat(熱量), electricity(), chemicals(化学物质), friction(摩擦力), or radiation(辐射).[1] Most burns are due to heat from hot liquids, solids, or fire. Among women in many areas of the world the risk is related to the use of open cooking fires or unsafe cook stoves. Alcoholism(酗酒) and smoking are other risk factors. Burns can also occur as a result of self harm(自残) or violence(暴力) between people.[2]


Burns that affect only the superficial skin layers are known as superficial or first-degree burns. They appear red without blisters and pain typically lasts around three days.[3][4] When the injury extends into some of the underlying skin layer, it is a partial-thickness or second-degree burn. Blisters are frequently present and they are often very painful. Healing can require up to eight weeks and scarring(疤痕) may occur. In a full-thickness or third-degree burn, the injury extends to all layers of the skin. Often there is no pain and the burn area is stiff. Healing typically does not occur on its own. A fourth-degree burn additionally involves injury to deeper tissues, such as muscle(肌肉), tendons(), or bone(骨骼).[3] The burn is often black and frequently leads to loss of the burned part.[3][5]

表皮灼傷又稱為一級灼傷。皮膚呈現紅色 但沒有水泡,疼痛通常持續三天[3][4] 。當灼傷的範圍傷及表皮下方皮層,這情況稱為部分皮層灼傷或二級灼傷。普遍可見水泡且非常疼痛,需要八星期痊愈,並可能留下疤痕。全層灼傷或三級灼傷是指每層皮膚均受傷。大多數情況下,患者不會感受到痛楚,其灼傷範圍變硬,不會自行痊愈。四級灼傷指更深層組織受創,如肌肉骨骼受傷[3]。灼傷部位變黑而一般需要被移除[3][5]

Burns are generally preventable.[2] Treatment depends on the severity of the burn. Superficial burns may be managed with little more than simple pain medication(镇痛药), while major burns may require prolonged treatment in specialized burn centers.[3] Cooling with tap water may help pain and decrease damage; however, prolonged cooling may result in low body temperature(失溫症).[3][4] Partial-thickness burns may require cleaning with soap and water, followed by dressings(敷料). It is not clear how to manage blisters, but it is probably reasonable to leave them intact if small and drain them if large. Full-thickness burns usually require surgical treatments, such as skin grafting(植皮).[3] Extensive burns often require large amounts of intravenous fluid(靜脈注射), because the capillary(微血管) fluid leakage and tissue swelling(水肿).[4] The most common complications of burns involve infection(感染).[6] Tetanus toxoid(破傷風疫苗) should be given if not up to date.[3]

大多數灼傷可以避免的[2]。灼傷的處理方法依其嚴重程度決定。表皮灼傷只需要少許處理和鎮痛藥控制,而大面積灼傷或許需要在燒傷中心的作長時間的專科治療[3]。以自來水降溫可以減低疼痛和減少傷害,但是長時間的降溫可以引致失溫症[3][4]。部分皮層灼傷(二級灼傷) 需要以肥皂及水清理,及後使用敷料。水泡的處理沒有明確指引,但一般的做法是不處理小水泡,及排去大水泡的液體。全層灼傷通常需要手術治療,例如植皮[3] 。大範圍灼傷大都需要大量靜脈注射,以處理微血管液體滲漏和水腫[4]。灼傷最常見的併發症是感染[6]。破傷風疫苗應被使用[3]。

In 2013 fire and heat resulted in 35 million injuries.[7] This resulted in about 2.9 million hospitalizations and 238,000 dying.[8] Most deaths due to burns occur in the developing world(发展中国家) particularly in South-East Asia(东南亚).[2] While large burns can be fatal, treatments developed since 1960 have improved outcomes, especially in children and young adults.[9] In the United States, approximately 96% of those admitted to a burn center survive their injuries.[10] Burns occur at similar frequencies in men and women.[2]The long-term outcome is related to the size of burn and the age of the person affected.[3]

在2013 年,火災和熱力導致三千五百萬宗灼傷[7]。當中有兩百九十萬人需要住院治療,238,000 人死亡[8]。大部分因灼傷的死亡在發展中國家發生,特別是東南亞[2]。大面積灼傷是致死的,從1960 年開始發展的療法改進,特別是對兒童和青年的處理[9]。在美國, 約96% 被送到燒傷中心的患者存活[10]。男性和女性被灼傷的人數相若[2]。灼傷的長期影響視乎患者的燒傷面積的年齡[3]。