美托洛爾(Metoprolol)或譯美托普洛、美多心安等,是一種選擇性的Β受體阻滯劑(Beta blocker),使用於心血管系統的許多疾病的治療上,特別是高血壓。該藥物的廠牌名稱包括由諾華公司生產的Lopressor或Lopresor、美國的Toprol-XL、荷蘭的Selokeen、由Alphapharm生產的Minax(澳洲)、由Arrow Pharmaceuticals生產的Metrol(澳洲)、由阿斯利康製藥生產的Betaloc、由Unipharm生產的Neobloc(以色列)以及由Berlin-Chemie AG生產的Corvitol等。目前許多的通用名藥物產品也可以買的到。美托洛爾中實際作用的物質包括美托洛爾琥珀酸(metoprolol succinate)或是美托洛爾酒石酸鹽(metoprolol tartrate),大約100毫克的美托洛爾酒石酸鹽對應95毫克的美托洛爾琥珀酸,當作是慣例的釋放或遲延釋放的藥物製劑(Pharmaceutical formulation)。
Metoprolol, marketed under the tradenameLopressor among others, is a selective β1receptor blocker medication.[1] It is used to treathigh blood pressure, chest pain due to poor blood flow to the heart, and a number of conditions involving an abnormally fast heart rate.[1] It is also used to prevent further heart problems after myocardial infarction and to prevent headaches in those with migraines.[1]
’’’美托洛爾’’’ ,在美國多以商品名Lopressor(台灣商品名:舒壓寧控釋錠® )販售,是一種選擇性的[[β-受體阻斷劑]][1] 。用於治療[[高血壓]]、[[心絞痛]]還有許多和[[心搏過速]]有關的症狀[1] 。此藥物同樣也用在預防[[心肌梗塞]]後的心血管疾病以及防止和[[偏頭痛]]相關的頭痛情狂[1]。
It comes in formulations that can be taken by mouth or given intravenously.[1] The medication is often taken twice a day[1] .There is an extended release formulation that is once per day.[1] Metoprolol may be combined withhydrochlorothiazide in a single tablet.[1]
美托洛爾的製劑可以持續在數月間以口服的方式使用或是經靜脈注射給予[1] 。一般用量為一天兩次[1] 。它另有一種長效配方是可以一天使用一次的 [1] 。美托洛爾還可以和[[氫氯噻嗪]]屬一起混合做成單次複方藥錠[1]。
Common side effects include trouble sleeping,feeling tired, feeling faint, and abdominal discomfort.[1] Large doses may cause serious toxicity.[2][3] Risk in pregnancy has not been ruled out.[1][4] It appears to be okay in breastfeeding.[5] Greater care is required with use in those with liver problems or asthma.[1] If stopped this should be done slowly to decrease the risk of further health problems.[1]
常見的副作用包括失眠、[[倦怠]]、[[暈眩]]以及腸胃不適[1]。若劑量過大可能造成嚴重毒性反應[2][3] 。目前也尚未排除在懷孕期間使用該藥物有可能造成危害的可能性[1][4] ,但哺乳期間則無此顧忌[5] 。可若病人同時患有肝臟疾病或[[氣喘]]則需密切觀察[1]。在停止服用後,各種副作用將會緩解,且任何因本藥物而帶來的健康危機也會跟著消失[1]。
Metoprolol was first made in 1969.[6] It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system.[7] It is available as a generic drug.[1] In 2013, metoprolol was the 19th most prescribed medication in the United States.[8]
第一顆美托洛爾製於1969年[6] 。它是[[世界衛生組織基本藥物標準清單]]中的藥品,也是在[[基礎醫療]]中極其重要的用藥[7] ,更是一種[[通用名藥物]][1] 。在2013年,美托洛爾在美國最常開立處方中為排名第十九名的藥劑[8]。