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阿米替林(英語:Amitriptyline)[5],是使用最廣泛的一種三環類抗抑鬱藥。[6] 阿米替林可以治療許多精神障礙,包括重度抑鬱症和焦慮症,有時候也用來治療精神病、注意力缺陷多動障礙(ADHD,多動症)和雙相情感障礙。阿米替林也可以治療偏頭痛、帶狀皰疹後遺神經痛、包括纖維肌痛在內的神經痛,用來治療失眠的情況較少。[7]
Amitriptyline, sold under the brand name Elavil among others(阿米替林), is a medication used to treat a number of mental illnesses(精神病).[2] This including major depressive disorder(重性抑郁障碍) and anxiety disorder(焦虑症), and less commonly attention deficit hyperactivity disorder(注意力不足過動症) and bipolar disorder(躁鬱症).[2][3]Other uses include prevention of migraines(偏頭痛), treatment of neuropathic pain such as fibromyalgia andpostherpetic neuralgia, and less commonly insomnia(失眠).[2][4] It is taken by mouth.[2]
’’’阿米替林’’’({{lang|en|Amitriptyline}}),常見商品名’’’Elavil’’’。為治療許多[[精神病|精神疾病]]的藥物之一[2]。該藥物可治療[[重性抑鬱障礙]]、[[焦慮症]],有時也會被治療[[注意力不足過動症|過動症]](ADHD)和[[躁鬱症]][2][3]。其他用途包含預防[[偏頭痛]],以及治療{{le|神經病變痛|neuropathic pain}},如{{le|纖維肌痛症|fibromyalagia}}和{{le|疱疹後神經痛|postherpetic neuralgia}}等等,偶爾也會被用於治療[[失眠]][2][4]。該藥屬於口服藥物[2]。
Common side effects include a dry mouth, trouble seeing, low blood pressure on standing(姿位性低血壓), sleepiness, and constipation(便秘). Serious side effects may include seizures, an increased risk of suicide(自殺) in those less than 25 years of age, urinary retention(尿瀦留), glaucoma(青光眼), and a number of heart issues. It should not be taken with MAO inhibitors(单胺氧化酶抑制剂) or the medication cisapride.[2] Amitriptyline may cause problems if taken during pregnancy.[5][2] Use during breastfeeding(母乳餵養) appears to be okay.[6] Amitriptyline is in the tricyclic antidepressant(三环类抗抑郁药) (TCA) class of medications. Its exact mechanism of action is unclear.[2]
常見的副作用包含口乾、視覺障礙、[[姿位性低血壓]]、嗜睡,以及[[便秘]]等等。嚴重的副作用可能會造成{{le|癲癇發作|Epileptic seizure}}、[[尿瀦留]]、[[青光眼]],或是其他心臟問題。25歲以下的用藥者甚至會有增加[[自殺]]念頭的風險。該藥切忌與[[单胺氧化酶抑制剂]]或{{le|希塞菩|cisapride}}等藥物合用[2]。妊娠時服用阿米替林可能具有風險,[[母乳餵養|哺乳]]期間用藥目前顯示為安全[6]。該藥為使用最廣泛的一種[[三環類抗抑鬱藥]](TCA),然其詳細機轉仍不清楚[2]。
Amitriptyline was discovered in 1960[7] and approved by the US Food and Drug Administration(美国食品药品监督管理局) (FDA) in 1961.[8] It is on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines(世界卫生组织基本药物标准清单), the most important medications needed in a basic health system.[9] It is available as a generic medication(通用名药物).[2] The wholesale cost as of 2014 is between 0.01 and 0.04 USD per dose.[10] In the United States it costs about 0.20 USD per dose.[2]