



日本腦炎疫苗用於預防日本腦炎[1] 其預防功效可超過90%,持續有效時間不明,似乎會隨時間減弱其效力,接種方式可用肌肉注射或皮下注射。[1]



日本腦炎疫苗在1930年代發明[2] 刊登於世界衛生組織基本藥物標準清單,基礎醫療系統中的最重要醫療需求。[3] 在美國一次接種花費100-200美元。[4]

Japanese encephalitis vaccine is a vaccine(疫苗) that protects against Japanese encephalitis(流行性乙型脑炎).[1] The vaccines are more than 90% effective. How long this protection lasts is not clear but its effectiveness appears to decrease over time. Doses are given either by injection into a muscle or just under the skin.[1]

’’’日本腦炎疫苗’’’({{lang|en|Japanese encephalitis vaccine}})是一種預防[[流行性乙型腦炎|日本腦炎]]的疫苗<ref name=WHO2015>{{cite journal|title=Japanese Encephalitis Vaccines: WHO position paper – February 2015.|journal=Wkly Epidemiol Rec|date=Feb 27, 2015|volume=90|issue=9|pages=69–87|pmid=25726573|url=http://www.who.int/wer/2015/wer9009.pdf}}</ref>。疫苗的預防功效達90%,效果持續時間目前仍不清楚,但效力似乎會隨時間逐漸減弱。接種方式包含{{le|肌肉注射|Intramuscular}}及{{le|皮下注射|Subcutaneous_injection}}<ref name=WHO2015/>

It is recommended as part of routine immunizations in countries where the disease is a problem. One or two doses are given depending on the version of the vaccine. Extra doses are not typically needed in areas where the disease is common. In those withHIV/AIDS(艾滋病) or those who are pregnant(妊娠) an inactivated vaccine should be used. Immunization of travellers who plan to spend time outdoors in areas where the disease is common is recommended.[1]

世界衛生組織建議疫區將日本腦炎疫苗列入{{le|常規接種疫苗|Routine immunization}},視疫苗種類進行一到二次的接種。疫區通常不需追加施打,[[愛滋病]]患者及孕婦則建議使用安全性較高的{{le|滅活疫苗|Inactivated vaccine}}。一般建議前往疫區從事長期戶外活動者須進行施打<ref name=WHO2015/>。

The vaccines are relatively safe. Pain and redness may occur at the site of injection. As of 2015, 15 different vaccines are available: some are based on recombinant DNA(重組DNA) techniques, others weakened virus, and others inactivated virus.[1]

疫苗相對來說較為安全,但注射之後仍可能會有疼痛感及紅腫的現象。截至2015年,該疫苗就有15種不同的產品可供選擇,有些使用[[重組DNA]]技術,有些是使用減毒後的病毒,有些則使用失活病毒製成<ref name=WHO2015/>。

The Japanese encephalitis vaccines first became available in the 1930s.[2] It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines(世界卫生组织基本药物标准清单), the most important medication needed in a basic health system.[3] In the United States it costs between 100 and 200 USD for a course of immunizations.[4]

日本腦炎於1930年代發明<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Paulke-Korinek|first1=M|last2=Kollaritsch|first2=H|title=Japanese encephalitis and vaccines: past and future prospects.|journal=Wiener klinische Wochenschrift|date=2008|volume=120|issue=19-20 Suppl 4|pages=15–9|pmid=19066766|doi=10.1007/s00508-008-1071-9}}</ref>,本品列名[[世界衛生組織基本藥物標準清單]]之中,為基礎公衛體系必備藥物之一<ref name=WHO2015E>{{cite web |url=http://www.who.int/medicines/publications/essentialmedicines/EML2015_8-May-15.pdf |title=19th WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (April 2015) |date=April 2015 |accessdate=May 10, 2015 |publisher=WHO }}</ref>。在美國,一次接種療程約會花費100至200美金<ref name=Ric2015>{{cite book|last1=Hamilton|first1=Richart|title=Tarascon Pocket Pharmacopoeia 2015 Deluxe Lab-Coat Edition|date=2015|publisher=Jones & Bartlett Learning|isbn=9781284057560|page=315}}</ref>。
