



人乳頭瘤病毒疫苗用於預防與人乳頭瘤病毒(Human PapillomaVirus, HPV)相關的疾病,包括宮頸癌尖銳濕疣等。目前市場上有兩種疫苗:加衛苗卉妍康[1]。這兩種疫苗都能預防兩種最具危害性的人類乳突病毒——HPV-16和HPV-18——的感染。這兩種病毒造成了大約70%的宮頸癌,80%的直腸癌,60%的陰道癌和40%的外陰癌[2] 。他們還導致大量由HPV感染引起的口腔癌和某些罕見的陰莖癌。此外,加衛苗還預防另外兩種病毒——HPV-6和HPV-11——的感染,這兩種病毒造成90%的尖銳濕疣世界衛生組織澳大利亞加拿大歐盟、以及美國的衛生管理部門都倡導年輕女性使用HPV疫苗,以降低宮頸癌的發病率。美國國家癌症研究所還建議女性即使在使用了HPV疫苗之後,也要定期進行宮頸檢查,因為HPV疫苗只能預防四類高風險病毒的感染,並不能防止所有HPV病毒的感染。此外,HPV疫苗也被提倡用於年輕男性,因為疫苗能夠幫助他們預防HPV感染、防止傳染給性伴侶,也能預防直腸癌和尖銳濕疣[3]

Human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines are vaccines that prevent infection by certain types of human papillomavirus.[1] Available vaccines protect against either two, four, or nine types of HPV.[1][2] All vaccines protect against at least HPV 16 and 18 that cause the greatest risk of cervical cancer. It is estimated that they may prevent 70% of cervical cancer, 80% of anal cancer, 60% of vaginal cancer, 40% of vulvar cancer, and possibly some mouth cancer.[3][4][5] They additionally prevent some genital warts with the vaccines against 4 and 9 HPV types providing greater protection.[1]

人類乳突病毒疫苗適用於預防幾種特定亞型的人乳頭瘤病毒(Human PapillomaVirus, HPV)感染[1]。目前市面上有可抵禦兩種、四種或九種HPV病毒亞型的疫苗[1][2],所有的疫苗均可抵禦HPV16亞型與HPV18亞型病毒感染,而這兩種也是致[[子宮頸癌]]風險最高的亞型。據估計,人類乳突病毒疫苗可防止70%的子宮頸癌、80%的[[肛門癌]]、60%的[[陰道癌]]、40%的[[外陰腫瘤]],以及一些[[口咽癌]]的發生[3][4][5]。可抵禦HPV4亞型與HPV9亞型的疫苗可增加預防[[尖銳濕疣]]的機率[1]。

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends HPV vaccines as part of routine vaccinations in countries that can afford them along with other prevention measures. The vaccines requires two or three doses depending on how old the person is. Vaccinated girls around the ages of nine to thirteen is typically recommended. The vaccines provides protection for at least eight years. Cervical cancer screening is still required following vaccination.[1] Vaccinating a large portion of the population may also benefit the unvaccinated.[6] In those already infected the vaccines do not help.[1]

HPV vaccines are very safe. Pain at the site of injection occurs in about 80% of people. Redness and swelling at the site and fever may also occur. No link to Guillain-Barre syndrome has been found.[1]



The first HPV vaccine became available in 2006. As of 2014, 58 countries include it in their routine vaccinations, at least for girls.[1] They are on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, the most important medication recommended for a basic health system.[7] The wholesale cost is about 47 USD a dose as of 2014.[8] In the United States it cost more than 200 USD.[9] Vaccination may be cost effective in the developing world.[10]

