






Poliomyelitis, often called polio or infantile paralysis, is an infectious disease caused by the poliovirus. Approximately 90% to 95% of infections cause no symptoms.[1] Another 5 to 10% of people have minor symptoms such as: fever, headache, vomiting, diarrhea, neck stiffness and pains in the arms and legs.[1][2] These people are usually back to normal within one or two weeks. In about 0.5% of cases there is muscle weakness resulting in an inability to move.[1] This can occur over a few hours to few days.[1][2]The weakness most often involves the legs but may less commonly involve the muscles of the head, neck and diaphragm. Many but not all people fully recover. In those with muscle weakness about 2% to 5% of children and 15% to 30% of adults die.[1] Years after recovery post-polio syndrome may occur, with a slow development of muscle weakness similar to what the person had during the initial infection.[3]


Poliovirus is usually spread from person to person through infected feces entering the mouth.[1] It may also be spread by food or water containing human feces and less commonly from infected saliva.[1][2] Those who are infected may spread the disease even if no symptoms are present for up to six weeks. The disease may be diagnosed by finding the virus in the feces or detecting antibodies against it in the blood.[1]


The disease is preventable with the polio vaccine; however, a number of doses are required for it to be effective.[2] The United States Center for Disease Control recommends polio vaccination boosters for travelers and those who live in countries where the disease is occurring.[4] Once infected there is no specific treatment.[2] In 2013 polio affected 416 people down from 350,000 cases in 1988.[2] In 2014 the disease was only spreading between people in Afghanistan, Nigeria, and Pakistan.[2]

小兒痲痺症是可以藉著施打[[小兒痲痺疫苗]]來預防感染的,但為了讓疫苗達到效用,必須連續注射多劑才行[2]。美國疾病管制局建議旅客還有居住在小兒痲痺病毒依然猖獗的國家之居民,應追加注射小兒痲痺疫苗[4] 。一旦感染後,目前尚無特效藥或療法[2] 。小兒痲痺的感染人數,已從1988年的350000例,降至2013年的416例[2] 。在2014年,此疾病只在[[阿富汗]]、[[奈及利亞]]與[[巴基斯坦]]間傳播[2]

Poliomyelitis has existed for thousands of years, with depictions of the disease in ancient art.[1] The disease was first recognized as a distinct condition by Michael Underwood in 1789[1] and the virus that causes it was first identified in 1908 by Karl Landsteiner.[5]Major outbreaks started to occur in the late 19th century in Europe and the United States.[1] In the 20th century it became one of the most concerning childhood diseases in these areas.[6] The first polio vaccine was developed in the 1950s by Jonas Salk.[7] It is hoped that vaccination efforts and early detection of cases will result in global eradication of the disease by 2018.[8] In 2013; however, there were reports of new cases in Syria[9] and in May 2014, the World Health Organization declared a public health emergency of international concern due to the outbreaks of disease in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.[10] The disease does not occur in any other animals.[1]

小兒痲痺症已存在有千年之久,在古代的藝術品中,處處可見對此病症的描寫[1] 。在1789年,英國醫師{{le|麥可·安德伍德|Michael Underwood}}首先對小兒痲痺症提出完整的臨床描述[1] ,接著再1908年,奧地利裔醫師[[蘭德施泰納]]是第一個確定脊髓灰質炎病毒的人[5]。大規模的疾病爆發始於19世紀末的歐洲與美國[1] 。20世紀,小兒痲痺症更接著成為疫區中最讓人擔憂的[[幼童疾病]][6] 。1950年代,美國病毒學家沙克製作出世上第一劑小兒痲痺疫苗[7] 。期盼藉由[[疫苗的施打]]和早期發現,使我們最終可於2018年將這個疾病自世界上根除[8] 。在2013年,卻在[[敘利亞]]發現幾例新個案[9],且2014年五月,[[世界衛生組織]]因為小兒痲痺症在亞洲、非洲以及中東的疫情爆發所以發佈[[國際公共衛生緊急事件]][10] 。到今天為止,在其他動物上並未發現感染小兒痲痺症的情形[1]

2016/3/4 已整合到中文維基
