
<!-- Definition and Symptoms -->

Lymphoma is a group of blood cell tumors that develop fromlymphocytes.[1] It is sometimes used to refer to just the cancerous ones rather than all tumors.[1] Symptoms may include: enlarged lymph nodes that are not generally painful, fevers, sweats, itchiness, weight loss and feeling tired among others.[2][3] The sweats are most common at night.[2][3]

<!-- 定義與病徵 -->

’’’淋巴瘤(Lymphoma)’’’又稱’’’淋巴癌’’’,是由[[淋巴細胞]]病變造成的{{link-en|血液細胞瘤|blood cell tumors}}[1]。有時候這個詞彙被用來單指[[癌症]]、而不包括良性的腫瘤。症狀包括[[淋巴結|淋巴結腫大]] (通常為無痛性)、[[發燒]]、[[盜汗]]、[[皮膚癢]]、體重減輕,以及疲倦感[2][3]。而盜汗則通常在夜晚發生[2][3]。

<!-- Classification -->

There are two main types: Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL),[4] with two others, multiple myeloma andimmunoproliferative diseases, also include by the World Health Organization within the category.[5] Non-Hodgkin lymphoma makes up about 90% of cases and includes a large number of sub-types.[6][4] Lymphomas are part of the broader group of neoplasmscalled tumors of the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues.[7]

<!-- 分類 -->

淋巴瘤主要分為兩大類:[[何杰金氏淋巴瘤]]({{lang-en|Hodgkin lymphoma, HL}})和[[非何杰金氏淋巴瘤]]({{lang-en|non-Hodgkin lymphoma, NHL}})[4],而其他包含在[[世界衛生組織]]分類中的尚有[[多發性骨髓瘤]]及{{link-en|淋巴增生性疾病|Lymphoproliferative_disorders}}[5]。非何杰金氏淋巴瘤佔所有淋巴瘤的90%,其中包含各種次分類[4][6]。淋巴瘤為{{link-en|造血淋巴組織腫瘤|Tumors of the hematopoietic and lymphoid tissues}}的一部分[7]。

<!-- Cause and Diagnosis -->

Risk factors for HL include: infection with Epstein-Barr virus and having other in the family with the disease.[2] Risk factors for NHL include: autoimmune diseases, HIV/AIDS, infection with human T-lymphotropic virus, eating a large amount of meat and fat, as well asimmunosuppressant medications and some pesticides.[3] They are usually diagnosed by blood, urine, or bone marrow testing.[3] A biopsy of a lymph node may also be useful.[2][3] Medical imaging than may be done to determine if and where the cancer has spread.[2][3] This spread can occur to many other organs including: lungs, liver, and brain.[2][3]

<!-- 病因與診斷 -->

何杰金氏淋巴瘤的風險因子包含[[EB病毒]]和其他同病毒科[2]。非何杰金氏淋巴瘤的風險因子則包含[[自體免疫疾病]]、[[愛滋病|人類免疫缺乏病毒或愛滋病]]、{{link-en|人類T淋巴細胞病毒|Human T-lymphotropic virus}}感染、攝取過量肉類及脂肪、使用[[免疫抑制劑]]、及部分[[農藥|殺蟲劑]]。通常藉由血液、尿液、{{link-en|骨髓檢查|Bone marrow examination}}診斷淋巴癌[3],而淋巴結[[活體組織切片|切片]]可能有助於診斷[2][3]。[[醫學影像]]可用於淋巴癌細胞是否轉移[2][3],而可發生轉移處有肺、肝、腦等[2][3]。

<!-- Treatment and Prognosis -->

Treatment may involved some combination of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, targeted therapy and surgery.[2][3]In NHL the blood may become so thick with protein that a procedure called plasmapheresis is needed.[3] Watchful waiting may be appropriate for certain types.[3] Some types are curable.[4] The overall five-year survival rate in the United States for HL is 85%[8] while that for NHL is 69%.[9]

<!-- 治療與預後 -->


Watchful waiting}}」的策略[3],而某些型態則可治癒[4]。在美國,何杰金氏淋巴瘤的{{link-en|五年整體存活率|Five-year survival rate}}約85%[8],而非何杰金氏淋巴瘤則僅69%[9]。

 <!-- Epidemiology --> Lymphomas developed in 566,000 people in 2012 and caused 305,000 deaths.[5] They make up 3-4% of all cancers, making them as a group the 7th most common form.[10][5] In children they are the third most common cancer.[11] They occur more often in the developed worldthan the developing world.[5]

<!-- 流行病學 -->


2014-12-08 已經完成與中文維基百科「淋巴癌」的引言頁面整合
