Rabies is a viral disease that causes acute inflammation of the brain in humans and other warm-blooded animals.[1] Early symptoms can include fever and tingling at the site of exposure.[1] These symptoms are followed by one or more of the following symptoms: violent movements, uncontrolled excitement, fear of water, an inability to move parts of the body, confusion, and loss of consciousness.[1] After symptoms appear, rabies almost always results in death.[1] The time period between contracting the disease and the start of symptoms is usually one to three months. However, this time period can vary from less than one week to more than one year.[1] The time period depends on the distance the virus must travel to reach the central nervous system.[2]
’’’狂犬病’’’({{lang-en|’’’rabies’’’}},字根來自{{lang-la|rabies}},意為“瘋狂”)俗稱’’’瘋狗症’’’,是一種[[人畜共患病|人畜共通传染病]],病原体为[[狂犬病病毒]],是一種[[病毒]]性疾病,它會在人類與其他[[恆溫動物]]身上造成[[腦炎|腦部發炎]][1]。沒有接受[[疫苗]][[免疫]]的感染者,當神經症狀出現後幾乎必然死亡,通常的死亡原因都是由于[[中枢神经]]([[脑]]-[[脊髓]])被病毒破坏,病毒大量存在于发病者的[[脑脊液]]、[[唾液]]和[[体液]]中,絕大部份通过咬伤傳播,很多時令染病的人或动物特別活躍,在沒有激怒的情况下发起攻擊,展現其他不尋常的行為。狂犬病亦可以以麻痺方式出現,令患者顯得沉默内向。{{fact|亦有未经确认的实例表明病毒可經飛沫由[[黏膜]]或[[呼吸道]]傳染,在探索有狂犬病蝙蝠的洞穴时被含有蝙蝠粪便的飛沫感染}}。{{fact|最终死于[[自主神经系统]]受损导致的[[脏器衰竭]]、呼吸衰竭}}。{{fact|但是只要及時的接种[[疫苗]],一般都能诱发机体产生足够的[[免疫力]]消灭病毒}}。 狂犬病的早期症狀包括發燒與傷口的刺痛感[1],稍後則可能會出現暴力行為、不可自制的興奮感、{{link-en|恐水症|hydrophobia}}、部分肢體癱瘓、意識混亂或{{link-en|喪失|unconsciousness}}[1]。自染病到病發的時間為一至三個月,但因人而異的程度相當大:長可長至一年,短可短到一週內[1],一旦症狀出現,狂犬病的致命率幾乎百分之百。狂犬病症狀出現所花的時間主要受病毒侵犯至[[中樞神經系統]]的時間所影響[2]。
Rabies is transmitted to humans from other animals. Rabies can be transmitted when an infected animal scratches or bites another animal or human.[1] Saliva from an infected animal can also transmit rabies if the saliva comes into contact with a mucous membrane of another animal or human.[1] Most rabies cases in humans are the result of dog bites.[1] More than 99% of rabies cases in countries where dogs commonly have rabies are caused by dog bites.[3] In the Americas, bats are the most common cause of rabies, and less than 5% of rabies cases in humans are from dogs.[1][3] Rodents are very rarely infected with rabies.[3] The rabies virus travels to the brain by following the peripheral nerves. The disease can only be diagnosed after the start of symptoms.[1]
狂犬病通常由其他動物傳染給人類,被染病動物或患病者抓傷或咬傷都可能感染,[1]染病動物的[[唾液]]在與其他動物或人類的[[黏膜]]接觸時也具有傳染力。[[哺乳动物]]中,[[灵长目]]、[[食肉目]]、[[翼手目]]等都可能染病,如[[人]]、[[貓]]、[[狗]]、[[雪貂]]、[[鼬獾]]、[[貉]]、[[浣熊]]、[[臭鼬]]、[[狐狸]]、[[狼]]、[[熊]]、[[蝙蝠]]还有[[馬]][8]。大多數的人類狂犬病案例都是被染病犬隻咬傷(>99% )[1][3],在[[美國]],[[蝙蝠]]則是最常見的狂犬病原因(狗造成的案例<5%)。[[齧齒目]]動物如[[松鼠]]、[[花栗鼠]]及天竺鼠等極少感染狂犬病(除海狸外),故被啮齿动物如[[鼠]][[咬伤]]后應尋求專業建議,適當評估後,再決定是否要注射狂犬病的[[疫苗]]。[[狂犬病病毒]]會經由[[周圍神經系統]]侵犯腦部。狂犬病只有在症狀出現後方可確診[1]。
Animal control and vaccination programs have decreased the risk of rabies from dogs in a number of regions of the world.[1]Immunizing people before they are exposed is recommended for those who are at high risk. The high-risk group includes people who work with bats or who spend prolonged periods in areas of the world where rabies is common.[1] In people who have been exposed to rabies, the rabies vaccine and sometimes rabies immunoglobulin are effective in preventing the disease if the person receives the treatment before the start of rabies symptoms.[1] Washing bites and scratches for 15 minutes with soap and water,povidone iodine, or detergent as they may kill the virus also appears to be somewhat effective at preventing rabies transmission.[1]Only a few people have survived a rabies infection and this was with extensive treatment, known as the Milwaukee protocol.[4]
Rabies causes about 26,000 to 55,000 deaths worldwide per year.[1][5] More than 95% of these deaths occur in Asia and Africa.[1]Rabies is present in more than 150 countries and on all continents but Antarctica.[1] More than 3 billion people live in regions of the world where rabies occurs.[1] In most of Europe and Australia, rabies is only present in bats.[6] Many small island nations do not have rabies at all.[7]
2015-01-12 已與中文維基百科「 狂犬病」的引言頁面整合