熱性痙攣(英語:febrile seizure),又稱作發燒性抽搐[1]、熱性抽搐、熱性驚厥、熱性全身痙攣(英語:febrile convulsion),為痙攣的一種,其病源僅因為體溫過高而引起癲癇性發作[2],並無其他病因[1]。此症最常發生在六個月到五歲的孩童[3]。大部分熱性痙攣孩童的癲癇發作時間會短於5分鐘,並在60分鐘內恢復正常[3][4]。
A febrile seizure, also known as a fever fit or febrile convulsion, is an epileptic seizure associated with a high body temperaturebut without any serious underlying health issue. They most commonly occur in children between the ages of 6 months and 5 years.[1]Most seizures are less than five minutes in duration and the child is completely back to normal within sixty minutes of the event.[1][2]
’’’熱性痙攣’’’({{lang|en|febrile seizure}}),又稱作又稱作’’’發燒性抽搐’’’、’’’熱性抽搐’’’、’’’熱性驚厥’’’、’’’熱性全身痙攣’’’,是一種[[癲癇性發作]],伴有[[體溫]]升高的症狀但是並無任何潛在的健康問題。常見於六個月至五歲的兒童[1]。其大多數發作時長不超過五分鐘,兒童發病後也會在六十分鐘之內恢復正常[1][2]。
Febrile seizures may run in families. The diagnosis involves verifying that there is not an infection of the brain, there are no metabolic problems, and there have not been prior seizures that have occurred without a fever. There are two types of febrile seizures, simple febrile seizures and complex febrile seizures. Simple febrile seizures involve an otherwise healthy child who has at most one tonic-clonic seizure lasting less than 15 minutes in a 24 hour period. Blood testing, imaging of the brain or an electroencephalogram (EEG) is typically not needed for the diagnosis. Examination to determine the source of the fever is recommended. In otherwise healthy looking children a lumbar puncture is not necessarily required.[1]
熱性痙攣有一定的家族遺傳傾向。 對熱性痙攣的診斷包括排除腦部感染、[[代谢疾病]],以及先前未伴有[[發熱]]的癲癇發作。熱性痙攣分為兩種:單純性熱性痙攣及複雜性熱性痙攣。單純性熱性痙攣的特征為一個原本健康兒童在24小時內至多一次持續時間少於十五分鐘的[[强直-阵挛性发作]]。診斷單純性熱性痙攣一般並不需要做血液檢查、腦影像學檢查以及[[腦電圖]]檢查,但建議檢查發熱原。對於原本健康兒童的診斷中,[[腰椎穿刺]]也不是必須的[1]。
Neither anti-seizure medication nor anti-fever medication is recommended in an effort to prevent further simple febrile seizures.[1] In the few cases that last greater than five minutes a benzodiazepine such as lorazepam or midazolam may be used.[1][3] Outcomes are generally excellent with similar academic achievements to other children and no change in the risk of death for those with simple seizures. There is tentative evidence that children have a slight increased risk of epilepsy at 2%.[1] Febrile seizures affect two to ten percent of children before the age of five.[1][4] They are more common in boys than girls.[5] After a single febrile seizure there is a 15 to 70% chance of another one.[1]
2016/2/9已整合到中文維基百科 "熱性痙攣" 中