麻疹疫苗 (Measles vaccine)



A child is given a measles vaccine.


Measles vaccine is a vaccine that is very effective at preventing measles.[1] After one dose 85% of children nine months of age and 95% over twelve months of age are immune.[2]  Nearly all of those who do not develop immunity after a single dose  develop it after a second dose. When rates of vaccination within a  population are greater than 93% outbreaks of measles typically no longer  occur; however, they may occur again if rates of vaccination decrease.  The vaccine’s effectiveness lasts many years. It is unclear if it  becomes less effective over time. The vaccine may also prevent against  the disease if given within a couple of days of being exposed.[1]

’’’麻疹疫苗’’’({{lang-en|measles vaccine}})是一種可以有效預防[[麻疹]]的[[疫苗]][1]。九個月大的嬰兒施打疫苗後有85%能免疫,若在1歲以後施打則有95%的孩子能夠免疫[2]。如果在施打第一劑疫苗後沒有對麻疹免疫,在補施打第二劑之後通常就會對麻疹免疫。人口中對麻疹免疫的人數比例超過93%後,通常就不會再發生流行,但若施打疫苗的比例下滑就可能會再發生流行。施打麻疹疫苗提供的免疫力會持續許多年,對麻疹的免疫力是否會隨時間下降目前還不清楚。即使在感染麻疹冒後數天施打,麻疹疫苗仍然可能發揮它的保護力[1]。

The vaccine is generally safe including in those with HIV infections. Side effects are usually mild and short lived. This may include pain at the site of injection or mild fever. Anaphylaxis has been documented in about one per hundred thousand people. Rates of Guillian-Barre syndrome, autism and inflammatory bowel disease do not appear to be increased.[1]


The vaccine is available both by itself and in combination with other vaccines including rubella vaccine, mumps vaccine, and varicella vaccine (the MMR vaccine and MMRV vaccine). The vaccine works equally well in all formulations. The World Health Organization  recommends it be given at nine months of age in areas of the world  where the disease is common. In areas where the disease is very uncommon  giving it at twelve months is reasonable. It is a live vaccine.  It comes as a dried powder which needs to be mixed before being given  either just under the skin or into a muscle. Verification that the  vaccine was effective can be determined by blood tests.[1]


About 85% of children globally have received this vaccine as of 2013.[3] In 2008 at least 192 countries offered two doses.[1] It was first introduced in 1963.[2] The combination measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine first became available in 1971.[4] The chickenpox vaccine was added to these three in 2005 giving the MMRV vaccine.[5] It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, the most important medication needed in a basic health system.[6] The vaccine is not very expensive.[1]

2013年,全球約85%的小孩接受了麻疹疫苗的施打[3]。2008年,約192個國家實施施打兩劑疫苗[1]。該疫苗最早於1963年引入[2]。麻疹腮腺炎風疹混合疫苗則於1971年提供[4]。{{link-en|水痘疫苗|Varicella vaccine}}則於2005年加入,成為{{link-en|麻疹腮腺炎風疹水痘混合疫苗|MMRV vaccine}}[5]。根據[[世界衛生組織基本藥物標準清單]],該疫苗成為{{link-en|健康系統|Health system}}中最重要的藥物[6],且該疫苗並不貴[1]。