Wikipedia:WikiProject Medicine/Translation task force/RTT/Simple atrial fibrillation
{{Infobox disease |
Name = 心房顫動 / Atrial fibrillation |
Image = SinusRhythmLabels.svg |
Caption = [[心電圖]]上{{link-en|正常竇性節律|normal sinus rhythm}}的示意圖。若發生心房顫動情形,則示意圖中代表[[心房|心臟頂端]]去極化過程的P波會變得模糊不清[新1]。|
DiseasesDB = 1065 |
ICD10 = {{ICD10|I|48||i|30}} |
ICD9 = {{ICD9|427.31}} |
ICDO = |
OMIM = |
MedlinePlus = 000184 |
eMedicineSubj = med |
eMedicineTopic = 184 |
eMedicine_mult = {{eMedicine2|emerg|46}} |
MeshID = D001281
Diagram of [[normal sinus rhythm]] as seen on [[ECG]]. In atrial fibrillation the P waves, which represent depolarization of the [[atria|top of the heart]], are absent.
Atrial fibrillation (AF or A-fib) is an abnormal heart rhythm characterised by rapid and irregular beating.[1]Often it starts as brief periods of abnormal beating which become longer and possibly constant over time.[2] Most episodes have no symptoms.[3] Occasionally there may be heart palpitations, fainting, shortness of breath, or chest pain.[4] The disease increases the risk of: heart failure,dementia, and stroke.[3]
<!-- 定義與症狀-->
’’’心房顫動’’’({{lang-en|Atrial fibrillation}},簡稱:AF 或 A-fib),又稱為’’’心房微顫’’’、’’’房顫’’’、’’’心房細動’’’(日本)、’’’心房纖維性顫動’’’、’’’心房纖顫’’’、’’’房性纖顫’’’等,是[[心律不整|心臟不正常節律/心律不整]]的一種,特色是心臟快速而不規則的跳動[1]。心房顫動一開始發生時持續的時間可能相當短暫,但發作時間有可能越來越長、甚至不會緩解[2]。大部分發作時{{link-en|沒有症狀|Asymptomatic}},有時病患會感覺到[[心悸]]、[[昏厥]]、[[呼吸困難]]、{{link-en|胸痛|Chest pain}}[4]。心房顫動會增加[[心臟衰竭]]、[[失智症]]和[[中風]]的危險性[3]。
Hypertension and valvular heart disease are the most common alterable risk factor for AF.[5][6] Other heart related risk factors include: heart failure, coronary artery disease, cardiomyopathy, and congenital heart disease.[5]In the developing world valvular heart disease often occurs as a result of rheumatic fever.[7] Lung related risk factors include: COPD, obesity, and sleep apnea.[3] Other factors include: excess alcohol, diabetes mellitus, and thyrotoxicosis.[3][7] However, half of cases are not associated with one of these risks.[3] Diagnosis is by feeling the pulse which may be confirmed using an electrocardiogram (ECG).[8] The ECG shows no P waves and an irregular ventricular rate.[8]
<!-- 病因與診斷-->
[[高血壓]]和{{link-en|瓣膜性心臟病|vavular heart disease}}是造成心房顫動的兩個最常見危險因子[5][6]。其他和心臟相關、也會增加得到心房顫動的危險因子還有:[[心臟衰竭]]、[[冠狀動脈疾病]]、{{link-en|心肌症|Cardiomyopathy}}和{{link-en|先天性心臟病|Congenital heart defect}}[5]。在開發中國家,瓣膜性心臟病多半是因為{{link-en|風溼熱|Rheumatic fever}}所造成[7]。和肺臟相關而會增加得到心房顫動的危險因子有:[[慢性阻塞性肺病]]、[[肥胖症]]和[[睡眠呼吸中止症]][3]。其他危險因子尚有:過量[[乙醇|飲酒]]、[[糖尿病]]、[[甲狀腺功能亢進症]][3][7]。然而,一半以上心房顫動的病人並沒有上述所說的危險因子[3]。當摸到紊亂的[[脈搏]]時可以推測可能患有此疾病,但確切診斷要靠[[心電圖]][8],心電圖上會看到不規則的心室節律及找不到代表心房節律的{{link-en|P波|P waves}}[8]。
AF is often treated with medications to slow the heart rate to a near normal range (known as rate control) or to convert the rhythm to normal sinus rhythm (known as rhythm control).[5] Electrical cardioversion can also be used to convert AF to a normal sinus rhythm and is often used emergently if the person is unstable.[9]Ablation may prevent recurrence in some people.[10] Depending on the risk of stroke either aspirin or anti-clotting medications such as warfarin may be recommended.[3] While these medications reduce this risk they increase rates of major bleeding.[11]
<!-- 治療-->
心房顫動的治療一般是用藥物將心跳速度降至接近正常的範圍(此治療策略稱為速度控制,{{lang-en|rate control}})或是用藥物將不規則的心律整流為正常的{{link-en|竇房節律|Sinus rhythm}}(此策略稱為心律控制,{{lang-en|rhythm control}})[5]。{{link-en|電極心臟整流|Cardioversion}}可用於將心律整流為正常的竇房節律,當病人生命徵象不穩定時常使用這個方法[9]。{{link-en|射頻燒灼術|Radiofrequency ablation}}可用於防止心房顫動的再發[10]。心房顫動會增加中風的危險性,而依據病患發生中風的危險性高低不同,會分別建議給予[[抗凝劑]]如[[華法林]]({{lang-en|Warfarin)或[[阿司匹林]][3],值得注意的是,這些藥物雖然會減低中風的風險,但會增加[[出血|大出血]]的風險[11]。
Atrial fibrillation is the most common abnormal heart rhythm.[3] In Europe and North America, as of 2014, it affects about 2% to 3% of the population.[2] This is an increase from 0.4 to 1% of the population around 2005.[12] In the developing world about 0.6% of males and 0.4% of females are affected. The percentage of people with AF increases with age with 0.14% under 50 years old, 4% between 60 and 70 years old, and 14% over 80 years old being affected.[2] Afib and atrial flutter resulted in 112,000 deaths in 2013, up from 29,000 in 1990.[13] The first known report of an irregular pulse was by John Baptist Senac in 1749. This was first documented by ECG in 1909 by Thomas Lewis.[3]
<!-- 流行病學與歷史-->
心房顫動是最常見之引發異常心臟跳動的原因[3]。在歐洲以及北美洲,據2014年估計,約有2至3 %的人口受到心房顫動的影響[2],相較於2005年的0.4至1 %人口,此疾病的患者人數有所增加[12]。而在[[開發中國家]],男性約有0.6 %患有此一疾病,而約有0.4 %女性人口,亦受到心房顫動的困擾。患有心房顫動的人口比例隨著年紀而增加,50歲以下的人口,僅有0.14 %;而60至70歲的年齡層,則提升為4 %;而一但超過80歲,則超過14 %的年長者會有心房顫動的問題[2]。據統計,心房顫動和{{link-en|心室纖維顫動|Atrial flutter}}在1990年造成約29,000死亡病例,而在2013年,此數據增加為112,000名[13]。而歷史上首次記錄脈搏異常的報告出自1749年法國外科醫生{{link-en|尚巴提·德·塞納|Jean-Baptiste de Sénac}};而首次利用心電圖記錄心房顫動過程者則是1909年,由英國的{{link-en|湯瑪斯·路易斯爵士|Thomas Lewis}}所完成[3]。
心房顫動(英文:Atrial fibrillation ,簡稱:AF 或 A-fib),又稱為心房微顫、房顫、心房細動(日本)、心房纖維性顫動、心房纖顫、房性纖顫等,是最常見的心律失常之一。心室顫動指心房呈無序激動和無效收縮的房性節律紊亂,常見於老年人,症狀為心悸、暈厥、胸痛、充血性心力衰竭等。