克隆氏症/Crohn’s Disease

引言位置 : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:WikiProject_Medicine/Translation_task_force/RTT/Simple_Crohn%27s



克隆氏症(Crohn’s disease,又稱克羅恩病)是一種炎症性胃腸病,患者的結腸小腸胃部會出現發炎、充淋巴脹大的跡象。





Crohn’s disease, also known as Crohn syndrome and regional enteritis, is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that may affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus.[2] Symptoms often include: abdominal pain, diarrhea (which may be bloody if inflammation is severe), fever and weight loss.[1][2] Other complications may occur outside the gastrointestinal tract and include: anemia, skin rashes, arthritis, inflammation of the eye, and tiredness. The skin rashes may be due to infections as well as pyoderma gangrenosum or erythema nodosum. Bowel obstruction also commonly occurs and those with the disease are at greater risk of bowel cancer.[1]


<!-- Cause -->

Crohn’s disease is caused by a combination of environmental, immune and bacterial factors in genetically susceptible individuals.[3][4][5] It results in a chronic inflammatory disorder, in which the body’s immune system attacks the gastrointestinal tract possibly directed at microbial antigens.[4][6] While Crohn’s is an immune related disease, it does not appear to be an autoimmune disease (in that the immune system is not being triggered by the body itself).[7] The exact underlying immune problem is not clear; however, it may be an immunodeficiency state.[6][8][9] About half of the overall risk is related to genetics with more than 70 genesfound to be involved.[1][10] Tobacco smokers are two times more likely to develop Crohn’s disease than nonsmokers.[11] It also often begins after gastroenteritis. Diagnosis is based on a number of findings including: biopsy and appearance of the bowel wall, medical imaging and description of the disease. Other conditions that can present similarly include: irritable bowel syndrome and Behcet’s disease.[1]



<!-- Treatment and Prognosis -->

There are no medications or surgical procedures that can cure Crohn’s disease. Treatment options help with symptoms, maintain remission, and prevent relapse. In those newly diagnosed a corticosteroid may be used for a brief period of time to quickly improve the disease with another medication such as either methotrexate or a thiopurine used to prevent recurrence. An important part of treatment is the stopping of smoking among those who do. One in five people with the disease are admitted to hospital each year, and half of those with the disease will require surgery for the disease at some point over a ten year period. While surgery should be used as little as possible, it is necessary to address some abscesses, certain bowel obstructions, and cancers. Checking for bowel cancer via colonoscopy is recommended every few years, starting eight years after the disease has begun.[1]


目前並無任何藥物治療和手術能根治克隆氏症。 [[治療選項]]的目的在於改善症狀, 使病情[[緩解]]以及預防[[復發]]。新診斷為克隆氏症的病人通常會接受短暫的[[類固醇]]治療, 使病情有顯著的改善, 之後並合併[[滅殺除癌錠]]或[[硫嘌呤類]]等藥物防止復發。在治療過程中最重要的一部分, 對於有菸癮的病患來說, 是戒菸。患有克隆氏症的病患中每五位就有一位需要每年定期回醫院複診, 其中約有一半的病患在發病後十年左右需要接受手術治療。雖然手術並非必要的治療方式, 但適用於[[膿瘍]], 某些情況下的腸阻塞, 以及癌症。同時也建議患者在發病後約八年時, 需要隔幾年接受[[大腸鏡]]檢查是否有罹患大腸癌[1]

<!-- Epidemiology and history -->

Crohn’s disease affects about 3.2 per 1,000 people in Europe and North America.[12] It is less common in Asia and Africa.[13][14] It has historically been more common in the developed world.[15] Rates have, however, been increasing, particularly in the developing world since the 1970s.[14][15] Inflammatory bowel disease resulted in 35,000 deaths in 2010[16] and those with Crohn’s disease have a slightly reduced life expectancy.[1] It tends to start in the teens and twenties, although it can occur at any age.[1][2] Males and females are equally affected.[2] The disease was named after gastroenterologist Burrill Bernard Crohn, who, in 1932, together with two other colleagues at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, described a series of patients with inflammation of the terminal ileum of the small intestine, the area most commonly affected by the illness.[17]


在歐洲以及北美等地區, 克隆氏症的盛行率約為每1000人中有3.2人罹患[12]。在亞州以及非洲等地區較為罕見[13][14]。  就歷史的發展情形來說, 克隆氏症在[[已開發國家]]較為常見[15]。但罹患克隆氏症的人口比例自1970年以來在[[開發中國家]]已經不斷得竄升[14][15]。發炎性腸道疾病在2010年造成35000例死亡案例而罹患克隆氏症的病患的[[預期壽命]][1]有顯著的減少。克隆氏症好發的年齡層位於十多歲至二十多歲, 但依然會在各種年齡層中出現[1][2],  且不因性別有所不同[2]。"克隆氏症"被用來紀念[[Burrill Bernard Crohn]], 這位[[腸胃科醫師]]和另外兩位同事在1932年於[[紐約西乃山醫院]]描述許多在[[迴腸末端]]以及[[小腸]]等容易受感染的部分有發炎狀況的病患的病情[17]

2016/1/18 已整合到中文條目"克隆氏症 "中
