庫興氏症候群(Cushing’s syndrome)亦稱庫欣氏症候群、柯興氏綜合徵、皮質醇增多症,其中包括庫欣氏病(Cushing’s disease,專指由原發性腦下腺瘤所引起的庫欣氏症候群),是一種內分泌病。
此疾病最早是由美國神經外科醫生哈維·庫興(Harvey Cushing)於1932年首先描述,他同時也是一位外科學和內分泌學家。他發現因為腦垂體前葉中嗜鹼性腫瘤細胞或下丘腦病變引起促腎上腺皮質激素分泌過多與腎上腺皮質增生或腎上腺皮質腫瘤,也可以由腎上腺外的腫瘤所引起,如肺癌等。
Cushing’s syndrome is a collection of signs and symptoms due to prolonged exposure to cortisol(皮質醇).[2][3] Signs and symptoms may include: high blood pressure(高血壓), abdominal obesity(肚腩贅肉) but with thin arms and legs, reddish stretch marks, a round red face, a fat lump between the shoulders, weak muscles, weak bones(骨質疏鬆症), acne(粉刺), and fragile skin that heals poorly. Women may have more hair and irregular menstruation. Occasionally there may be changes in mood, headaches(頭痛), and a chronic feeling of tiredness(疲倦).[4]
’’’庫興氏症候群’’’({{lang|en|Cushing’s syndrome}})亦稱’’’庫欣氏症候群’’’、’’’柯興氏綜合徵’’’、’’’皮質醇增多症’’’,其中包括庫欣氏病(Cushing’s disease,專指由原發性腦下腺瘤所引起的庫欣氏症候群),是一種[[內分泌]]病,是由於長時間接觸[[皮質醇]]或其分泌量過高而造成的一系列臨床表現與體徵[2][3]。其臨床表現與體徵可能包括:[[高血壓]]、向心型肥胖([[肚腩贅肉|肚腩有贅肉]]但雙臂與雙腿較細)、[[紫紋]](紅色或紫色的短紋)、{{le|滿月臉|Moon_facies}}(臉又圓又紅)、{{le|脂失養|Lipodystrophy}}(水牛肩,兩肩中間有一較大腫塊)、{{le|肌肉無力|Muscle weakness}}、[[骨質疏鬆]]、[[粉刺]]、皮膚脆弱難以癒合等。女性患者還可能有毛髮偏多和{{le|月經不調|Irregular menstruation}}的症狀。有時患者會出現情緒改變、[[頭痛]]以及[[長期疲倦]]等症狀[4]。
Cushing’s syndrome is caused by either excessive cortisol-like medication such as prednisone(强的松) or a tumor(贅生物) that either produces or results in the production of excessive cortisol by the adrenal glands(腎上腺).[5] Cases due to a pituitary adenoma are known as Cushing’s disease. It is the second most common cause of Cushing’s syndrome after medication.[2] A number of other tumors may also cause Cushing’s.[2][6] Some of these are associated with inherited(遺傳) disorders such as multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 and Carney complex.[7] Diagnosis requires a number of steps. The first step is to check the medications a person takes. The second step is to measure levels of cortisol in the urine(尿), saliva(唾液) or in the blood(血液) after taking dexamethasone. If this test is abnormal, the cortisol may be measured late at night. If the cortisol remains high, a blood test for ACTH may be done to determine if the pituitary is involved.[8]
庫興氏症候群的成因有可能是[[強的松]]之類的類皮質醇藥物過量,也有可能是因為[[腫瘤]]分泌過多皮質醇,或是腫瘤造成腎上腺製造分泌過多的皮質醇產物,進而導致出現庫興氏症候群。由[[垂體腺瘤]]引起病例被稱為{{le|庫興氏症|Cushing’s disease}}。庫興氏症是在藥物治療庫興氏症候群(Cushing’s syndrome)後第二常見病症。部分的腫瘤也可能造成庫興氏症。其中一些遺傳相關的病症如[[多發性內分泌腫瘤症候群第一型]和[[carney綜合症]]。庫興氏症的診斷需要一些步驟。第一步檢查病患服用的藥物。第二步在服用[[地塞米松]]後檢測[[尿液]]、[[唾液]]或[[血液]]中皮質醇的濃度。假使檢測結果為異常,可能是在深夜檢測皮質醇濃度。假如皮質醇濃度依然很高,檢測血液中促腎上腺皮質激素可以判定是否有腦垂體異常異常。
Most cases can be treated and cured.[9] If due to medications, these can often be slowly stopped.[10] If caused by a tumor, it may be treated by a combination of surgery, chemotherapy(化学疗法), and/or radiation(放射線療法). If the pituitary was affected, other medications may be required to replace its lost function. With treatment, life expectancy is usually normal.[9] Some in whom surgery is unable to remove the entire tumor have an increased risk of death.[11]
About two to three people per million are affected each year.[7] It most commonly affects people who are 20 to 50 years of age.[2] Women are affected three times more often than men.[7] A mild degree of overproduction of cortisol without obvious symptoms, however, is more common.[12] Cushing’s syndrome was first described by Harvey Cushing(哈維·庫興) in 1932.[13] Cushing’s syndrome may also occur in other animals including cats, dogs, and horses.[14][15]
每年大約每一百萬人之中就有2至3人患上庫興氏症候群。常見於20至50歲的人。女性患病的風險是男性的三倍之多。然而普遍常見的輕度皮質醇生產過剩並無明顯的病徵。在1932年,[[哈維·庫興]](Harvey Cushing最先發現庫興氏症候群。其他動物也有可能患有庫興氏症候群,如貓、狗和馬。