




Allergic rhinitis, also known as hay fever or pollinosis, is a type of inflammation in the nose which occurs when the immune system overreacts to allergens in the air.[1] Signs and symptoms include a runny or stuffy nose,sneezing, red, itchy, and watery eyes, and swelling around the eyes.[2] The fluid from the nose is usually clear. Symptoms onset is often within minutes following exposure and they can affect sleep, the ability to work, and the ability to concentrate at school.[3] Those whose symptoms are due to pollen typically develop symptoms during specific times of the year.[4] Many people with allergic rhinitis also have asthma, allergic conjunctivitis, or atopic dermatitis.[3]

過敏性鼻炎,又稱為乾草熱花粉熱,是因為[[免疫系統]]受到空氣中的過敏原影響而導致的[[鼻炎]]症狀[1] 。徵兆和病症包括流鼻涕或鼻塞、[[打噴嚏]]、眼睛的紅癢與溢淚、眼周腫脹[2] 。從鼻腔流出的液體通常是清澈的。症狀通常會在接觸過敏原後的幾分鐘後產生,而且會影響睡眠、工作能力以及在學學生的注意力[3]。因為花粉而有病徵的患者,大概都集中在一年的特定時間發病[4]。許多有過敏性鼻炎的病患也常同時受到[[氣喘]]、[[過敏性結膜炎]]或[[異位性皮膚炎]]所苦[3]

Allergic rhinitis is typically triggered by environmental allergens such as pollen, pet hair, dust, or mold. Inheritedgenetics and environmental exposures contribute to the development of allergies.[4] Growing up on a farm and having multiple siblings decreases the risk. The underlying mechanism involved IgE antibodies attaching to the allergen and causing the release of inflammatory chemicals such as histamine from mast cells.[3] Diagnosis is usually based on a medical history in combination with a skin prick test or blood tests for allergen-specific IgE antibodies. These tests, however, are sometimes falsely positive.[5] The symptoms of allergies resemble those of the common cold; however, they often last for more than two weeks and typically do not include a fever.[4]

過敏性鼻炎基本上是受到環境過敏原的誘發,例如花粉、動物毛髮、灰塵或黴菌。遺傳[[基因]]還有環境暴露都是造成過敏的原因[4] 。在農場裡長大以及擁有多個兄弟姊妹都能減低罹患過敏的機率。其作用機制和[[IgE抗體]]有關,當此抗體接觸到過敏原時會促使[[肥大細胞]]釋出像是[[組織胺]]的化學物質來造成發炎反應[3] 。診斷方法常仰賴[[醫療病史]],且結合[[皮膚點刺試驗]]或是抽血來檢查是否含有特定IgE抗體。這些測試,當然,有時會呈現偽陽性[5] 。過敏的病徵和[[普通感冒]]的症狀類似,但以上症狀常持續超過兩個禮拜而且較少會有[[發燒]]的情形[4]

Exposure to animals in early life might reduce the risk of developing allergies to them later.[4] A number of medications may improve symptoms including nasal steroids, antihistamines such as diphenhydramine, cromolyn sodium, and leukotriene receptor antagonists such as montelukast.[6] Medications are, however, not sufficient or associated with side effects in many people.[3] Exposing people to larger and larger amounts of allergen, known as allergen immunotherapy is often effective. The allergen may be given as injections just under the skin or as a tablet under the tongue. Treatment typically lasts three to five years after which benefits may be prolonged.[1]

如果在幼童時期就開始接觸動物,則有機會降低日後因此而過敏的機會[4] 。有部分藥物可以改善過敏症狀,當中包括鼻炎[[類固醇]]、[[抗組織胺]],例如[[苯海拉明]]、[[色甘酸鈉]]以及白三烯受體拮抗劑類的montelukast(藥品名:欣流)都屬此類[6]

Allergic rhinitis is the type of allergy that affects the greatest number of people.[7] In Western countries, between 10–30% of people are affected in a given year.[3][8] It is most common between the ages of twenty and forty.[3]The first accurate description is from the 10th century physician Rhazes.[9] Pollen was identified as the cause in 1859 by Charles Blackley.[10] While in 1906 that the mechanisms was determined by Clemens von Pirquet.[7] The link with hay came about due to an early (and incorrect) theory that the symptoms were brought about by the smell of new hay.[11][12]

過敏性鼻炎是[[過敏]]的一種,且影響著許多人的生活[7] 。若以年作為單位計算,西方國家約有10-30%的人們受過敏困擾[3][8]。這些人的年紀大概是從20-40歲左右[3]。在西元十世紀的時候,[[拉澤斯]]醫師第一次對過敏有完整的敘述[9] 。1859年,[[布萊克利]]醫師發現花粉是造成過敏的原因[10] 。而[[皮奎特]]醫師則是在1906年找出過敏的致病機轉[7]。和乾草的關聯卻是因為早期(且錯誤)的理論,該理論提到過敏其實是新乾草的味道引起的[11][12]

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