




A hernia is the exit of an organ(器官), such as the bowel, through the wall of the cavity in which it normally resides.[1] Hernias come in a number of different types. Most commonly they involve the abdomen(), specifically the groin.[2] Groin hernias are most common of the inguinal(腹股沟疝) type but may also be femoral(股疝).[1] Other hernias include hiatus(食管裂孔疝), incisional, andumbilical hernias.[2] For groin hernias symptoms are present in about 66% of people. This may include pain or discomfort especially with coughing, exercise, or going to the toilet. Often it gets worse throughout the day and improves when lying down. A bulging area may occur that becomes larger when bearing down. Groin hernias occur more often on the right than left side. The main concern isstrangulation, where the blood supply to part of the bowel is blocked. This usually produces severe pain and tenderness of the area.[1] Hiatus or hiatal hernias often result in heartburn but may also cause chest pain or pain with eating.[3]

疝氣指的是[[器官]],例如[[腸子]]經由腔室的孔道離開原先的位置.[1] 。有多種不同的形態的疝氣,且大多都好發於腹部特別是鼠膝部[2]。鼠蹊部疝氣較常以[[腹股溝疝氣]]的形式產生,但也同時可能為[[股疝氣]],基本上鼠膝部疝氣是一個發生在區域的疝氣突起的統稱[1] 。其他還有包括[[橫膈裂孔疝氣]]、[[切口疝氣]]還有[[臍疝氣]]等等類型的疝氣[2] 。對於鼠蹊部疝氣的患者來說,大約有66%都主訴有不同程度的癥狀困擾,這包含了疼痛、或是在咳嗽、運動甚至是上廁所時的不適感。而這些病徵都可能在一天結束之後甚至是躺著的狀態中獲得緩減。在壓迫的時候可能會造成突出的部位變大。鼠蹊部疝氣發生在身體右側的機率大於左側。對於此疾病,醫護人員最大的擔憂就是[[缺血]],是當流到腸道的血液供應因為堵塞而造成的,這通常會導致該部位嚴重的疼痛感或是觸壓痛[1] 。橫膈裂孔疝氣或食道裂孔疝氣常常會在進食時引發 [[胃食道逆流]]但也有可能在進食時造成胸痛或疼痛感[3]

Risk factors for the development of a hernia include: smoking, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(慢性阻塞性肺病), obesity(肥胖症), pregnancy(妊娠), peritoneal dialysis(腹膜透析), collagen vascular disease(自體免疫性疾病), and previous open appendectomy, among others.[1][3][4] Hernias are partly genetic and occur more often in certain families. It is unclear if groin hernias are associated with heavy lifting. Hernias can often be diagnosed based on signs and symptoms. Occasionally medical imaging(醫學影像) is used to confirm the diagnosis or rule out other possible causes.[1] The diagnosis of hiatus hernias is often by endoscopy(內視鏡).[3]

有可能導致疝氣的危險因子包括:抽煙、[[慢性阻塞性肺炎]]、肥胖症、[[懷孕]]、[[腹膜透析]]、[[ 結締組織疾病]] 或之前曾接受[[闌尾切除手術]]以及其他[1][3][4]。引起疝氣有部分是因為基因影響而也因此常出現在特定家族間。目前仍不確定鼠膝部疝氣是否和舉重有關。疝氣可藉由病症與症狀被明確診斷出來。偶爾會使用[[醫學影像]]技術來輔助確認診斷並排除其他可能病因,醫學上也常使用內視鏡來診治[[橫膈裂孔疝氣]][3]

Groin hernias that do not cause symptoms in males do not need to be repaired. Repair, however, is generally recommended in women due to the higher rate of femoral hernias(股疝) which have more complications. If strangulation occurs immediate surgery is required. Repair may be done by open surgery or by laparoscopic surgery. Open surgery has the benefit of possibly being done under local anesthesia rather than general anesthesia. Laparoscopic surgery generally has less pain following the procedure.[1] A hiatus hernia may be treated with lifestyle changes such as raising the head of the bed, weight loss, and adjusting eating habits. The medications, H2 blockers(H2受体阻抗剂) or proton pump inhibitors(氫離子幫浦阻斷劑) may help. If the symptoms do not improve with medications the surgery known as laparoscopic fundoplication may be an option.[3]

若男性患者罹患鼠膝部疝氣而且沒有造成任何癥狀則沒有進行手術的需要,但如果罹患的是[[股疝氣]],且是發生在女性病患身上則會建議病人接受手術,因為股疝氣有可能引發較多的併發症。如果是缺血型的疝氣,即有[[緊急手術]]的必要性。手術方法又有分為傳統開腹手術或是[[腹腔鏡微創手術]]。開腹手術的好處是只要藉由[[局部麻醉]]而不需要[[全身麻醉]]就能進行。腹腔鏡微創手術的優點就是過程中不會給予病人過多痛楚[1] 。橫膈裂孔疝氣可以經由改變生活型態來改善,像是提昇床頭高度、減輕體重、改變飲食習慣等都可以。[[H2 受體阻斷劑]]或[[氫離子幫浦阻斷劑]]等的藥物對病人都有一定程度的幫助。若藥物治療不能確實改善病徵,則會建議病人考慮接受腹腔鏡胃底摺疊術[3]

About 27% of males and 3% of females develop a groin hernia at some time in their life.[1] Groin hernias occur most often before the age of one and after the age of fifty.[4] Inguinal, femoral and abdominal hernias resulted in 32,500 deaths in 2013 and 50,500 in 1990.[5] It is not known how commonly hiatus hernias occur with estimates in North America varying from 10 to 80%.[3] The first known description of a hernia dates back to at least 1550 BC in the Ebers Papyrus from Egypt.[6]

大約有27%的男性與3%的女性在一生中會有一次得到鼠膝部疝氣的機率[1] ,根據統計,此疾病的好發年齡多集中在1歲前和50歲以後4]。在2005年,因為腹股溝疝氣、股疝氣和臍疝氣造成的死亡人數是32500例,相較於1990的50500例減少許多[5]。在美國,橫膈裂孔疝氣的盛行率估計約介於10-80%間[3] 。首例有記錄在案的疝氣病例可追溯到西元前1550年埃及的埃伯斯氏古醫書[6]
