厭食症 (Anorexia nervosa)


蔡依林最瘦時只有39 kg,失眠、沮喪、貧血,滿身是病。但她仍然病態地還想再瘦下去...

"Miss A—" pictured in 1866 and in 1870 after treatment. She was one of the earliest case studies of anorexia.

圖片為1866年治療前以及1870年治療後的「A小姐(Miss A)」她是現代醫學中最早被研究的厭食症案例。

<!-- Definition and symptoms -->

Anorexia nervosa, often referred to simply as anorexia,[1] is an eating disorder characterized by a low weight, fear of gaining weight, a strong desire to be thin, and food restriction.[2] Many people with anorexia see themselves as overweight even though they are underweight.[2][3] If asked they usually deny they have a problem with low weight.[4] Often they weigh themselves frequently, eat only small amounts, and only eat certain foods. Some will exercise excessively, force themselves to vomit, or use laxatives to produce weight loss. Complications may include osteoporosis, infertility, and heart damage among others.[2] Women will often stop having menstrual periods.[4]

<!-- 定義與症狀 -->

’’’神經性厭食症’’’({{lang-en|anorexia nervosa}}),通常簡稱為’’’厭食症’’’({{lang-en|anorexia}})[1]是一種[[進食障礙|飲食疾患]],厭食症患者和一般人相同,會經常測量體重、食量少或僅吃特定食物;但厭食症患者和正常人不同的是,會出現以下的病態症狀:[[體重不足|較低的體重]]、害怕體重增加、強烈渴望變瘦、採用{{link-en|卡路里限制|Calorie restriction|限制飲食}}[2]、自願禁食、催吐、服用瀉藥或過度運動。儘管厭食症患者體重過輕,但他們仍認為自己[[超重|體重過重]][2][3]。當被問到健康狀況時,他們通常否認自身存在較低體重的問題[4],甚至於已經出現明顯過於消瘦的症狀時,仍堅持認為自己太胖。部分患者出現運動過量、強迫[[嘔吐]]或使用[[瀉藥|緩瀉劑]]試圖減重。這些患者的併發症包括[[骨質疏鬆症]]、[[不孕]]症以及心臟損傷[2]。女性可能發生[[閉經|月經週期停止]]的現象[4]。厭食症患者初步可分為兩類:限制型患者仰賴禁食和鍛鍊降低體重;暴食引吐型患者會間歇性地出現暴飲暴食,然後又用各種方法降低體重。厭食症平均發病年齡為17歲。發病之原因常伴隨著壓力事件,例如突然接下重任、離家念大學、準備聯考等。厭食症有可能在單次發作之後會完全康復,也有部分患者在體重恢復正常之後又再度發病。長期之死亡率大於一成以上,死因多半為飢餓、自殺、或者電解質不平衡等。

<!-- Cause and diagnosis -->

The cause is not known. There appears to be some genetic components with identical twins more often affected than non-identical twins.[3] Cultural factors also appear to play a role with societies that value thinness having higher rates of disease.[4] Additionally, it occurs more commonly among those involved in activities that value thinness such as high level athletics, modelling, and dancing.[4][5] Anorexia often begins following a major life change or stress inducing event. The diagnosis requires a significantly low weight. The severity of disease is based on body mass index (BMI) in adults with mild disease having a BMI of greater than 17, moderate a BMI of 16 to 17, severe a BMI of 15 to 16, and extreme a BMI less than 15. In children a BMI for age percentile of less than the 5th percentile is often used.[4]

<!-- 病因及診斷 -->

病因目前未明,部分[[基因]]組成對[[雙胞胎|同卵雙生]]身上發生的影響往往多過異卵雙生[3]。重視苗條的社會文化價值也是提高罹病風險的重要因子[4]。此外,厭食症通常出現於高階競技運動、[[模特兒]]與[[舞蹈|舞者]]等重視苗條的職業與活動[4][5]。通常重大生活改變或引發{{link-en|壓力 (心理學)|Stress (psychological)|壓力}}的事件,會導致厭食症的發作。厭食症確診的必要條件為明顯過低的體重,以[[身高體重指數]]({{lang|en|BMI}})為判定標準,輕度為17以上,中度為16-17,重度為15-16,極重度為低於15。兒童係以{{link-en|兒童體重分類|Classification of childhood weight|按年齡段計身高體重指數百分數}}為主,低於5%者即為體重顯著過低[4]。

<!-- Treatment and prognosis-->

Treatment of anorexia involves restoring a healthy weight, treating the underlying psychological problems, and addressing behaviors that promote the problem. While medications do not help with weight gain, they may be used to help with associated anxiety or depression.[2] A number of types of therapy may be useful including an approach where parents assume responsibility for feeding their child, known as Maudsley family therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy.[2][6] Sometimes people require admission to hospital to restore weight.[4] Evidence for benefit from nasogastric tube feeding; however, is unclear.[7] Some people will just have a single episode and recover while others may have many episodes over years.[4] Many complications improve or resolve with regaining of weight.[4]

<!-- 治療及預後-->

厭食症的治療方式包括恢復健康體重、治療潛在心理問題與解決引發厭食症的習慣。雖然藥物無法幫助增加體重,但可以協助治療相關的[[焦慮]]或{{link-en|抑鬱|Depression (mood)}}[2],有效療法包含雙親負責餵養自己孩子(也就是熟知的{{link-en|莫兹利家庭療法|Maudsley family therapy}})與[[認知行為療法]]等[2][6],部分病患需要藉由住院治療以恢復體重[4];然而目前尚未釐清以{{link-en|鼻胃管|Nasogastric intubation}}餵食對恢復體重有何助益之相關證據[7]。有些病患發病後治癒再也不會復發,但也有病患反覆發病多年的紀錄[4]。厭食症的患者一旦恢復正常體重,其併發症就可以得到改善或解決[4]。

<!-- Epidemiology, Society and Culture-->

Anorexia is estimated to occur in 0.9% to 4.3% of women and 0.2% to 0.3% of men in Western countries at some point in their life.[8] About 0.4% of young females are affected in a given year and it is estimate to occur ten times less commonly in males.[8][4] Rates in most of the developing world are unclear.[4] Often it begins during the teen years or young adulthood.[2] While anorexia became more commonly diagnosed during the 20th century it is unclear if this was due to an increase in its frequency or simply better diagnosis.[3] In 2013 it directly resulted in about 600 deaths globally up from 400 deaths in 1990.[9] Eating disorders also increase a person’s risk of death from a wide range of other causes including suicide.[2][8] About 5% of people with anorexia die from complications over a ten year period.[4] The term anorexia nervosa was first used in 1873 by William Gull to describe this condition.[10]

<!-- 流行病學及社會文化-->

西方國家估計約 0.9~4.3%女性與0.2~0.3%男性曾在人生中某個時間點得到厭食症[8],某特定一年,約有0.4%年輕女性會發生厭食症,是年輕男性病例數量的10倍以上[8][4];目前未知開發中國家的發病頻率[4]。厭食症常見發病於青少年時期[2]。20世紀時,厭食症更加普遍,其原因目前尚未釐清,可能是因為發病頻率增加,或是診斷技術進步且更加方便[3]。1990年,全球因厭食症死亡人數為400人,2013年更增長到約600人[9]。飲食失調也會提高一個人的死亡風險,甚至在廣泛致死原因(如[[自殺]])之中也是如此[2][8]。約5%厭食症病患會在10年內死於併發症[4]。「厭食症({{lang|en|anorexia nervosa}})」一詞起源於1873年,最早使用的人是{{link-en|威廉·古爾|Sir William Gull, 1st Baronet}}[10]。


神經性厭食症Anorexia Nervosa, AN),是一種進食障礙類的精神疾病。患者對自己的身體形象產生不正常認識,擔心發胖;臨床表現為用自願禁食、引吐、服用瀉藥等藥物、體育鍛鍊等方法過度追求減輕體重,甚至在明顯消瘦的情況下還認為自己太胖。其主要分為兩類:限制型患者主要靠禁食和鍛鍊,暴食引吐型患者為間歇出現暴食,然後又用各種方法降低體重。



左為芭比娃娃,體態明顯不是正常人能辦到的;右為美國19歲少女的標準體型的 "Lammily doll"
