古柯鹼 Cocaine






Cocaine, also known as benzoylmethylecgonine or coke, is a strong stimulant(兴奋剂) mostly used as a recreational drug(娛樂性藥物).[9] It is commonly snorted(2), inhaled, or injected into the veins(静脉). Mental effects may include loss of contact with reality(思覺失調), an intense feeling of happiness(欣快), or agitation(13). Physical symptoms may include a fast heart rate(心跳过速), sweating, and large pupils(21).[8] High doses can result in very high blood pressure(高血壓) or body temperature(中暑).[10] Effects begin within seconds to minutes of use and last between five and ninety minutes.[8] Cocaine has a small number of accepted medical uses such as numbing(2) and decreasing bleeding during nasal surgery.[11]

’’’可卡因’’’({{lang-en|Cocaine}}),又譯為’’’-{zh-hans:古柯碱;zh-hk:古柯鹼;zh-tw:可卡因;}-’’’。為一強烈的[[興奮劑]],常拿來做為[[娛樂性藥物]][9]。可卡因常以粉末方式由鼻腔吸入、吸入,或者[[靜脈]]注射的方式使用。可能造成的心理影響有[[思覺失調]]、[[欣快|欣快感]],或者{{le|精神激動|Psychomotor agitation}}。生理上的症狀可能包括[[心跳過速]]、出汗與{{le|散瞳|Mydriasis|瞳孔放大}}[8]。高劑量的可卡因會造成[[高血壓]]或[[中暑]][10]。使用後數秒到分鐘即出現效果,並持續5到90分鐘[8]。可卡因偶爾也會用於醫療用途,例如{{le|局部麻醉|Topical anesthetic}}與減少鼻部手術的出血[11]。

Cocaine is addictive(物質使用疾患) due to its effect on the reward pathway(7) in the brain. After a short period of use, there is a high risk that dependence(4) will occur.[9] Its use also increases the risk of stroke(中風), myocardial infarction(心肌梗死), lung problems in those who smoke it, blood infections(敗血症), and sudden cardiac death(猝死).[9][12] Cocaine sold on the street is commonly mixed with local anesthetics(局部麻醉药), cornstarch, quinine(奎寧), or sugar which can result in additional toxicity.[13] Following repeated doses a person may have decreased ability to feel pleasure(21) and be very physically tired.[9]


Cocaine acts by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine(5-羟色胺、去甲肾上腺素和多巴胺再摄取抑制剂). This results in greater concentrations of these three neurotransmitters(神经递质) in the brain.[9] It can easily cross theblood–brain barrier(血腦屏障) and may lead to the breakdown of the barrier.[14][15] Cocaine is made from the leaves of the cocaplant(古柯) which are mostly grown in South America.[8] In 2013, 419 kilograms were produced legally.[16] It is estimated that the illegal market for cocaine is 100 to 500 billion USD each year. With further processing crack cocaine(霹雳可卡因) can be produced from cocaine.[9]


After cannabis(大麻属), cocaine is the most frequently used illegal drug(管制藥物) globally.[17] Between 14 and 21 million people use the drug each year. Use is highest in North America followed by Europe and South America. Between one and three percent of people in the developed world(已開發國家) use cocaine at some point in their life.[9] In 2013 cocaine use directly resulted in 4,300 deaths, up from 2,400 in 1990.[18] The leaves of the coca plant have been used by Peruvians(3) since ancient times.[13] Cocaine was first isolated from the leaves in 1860.[9] Since 1961 the international Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs(麻醉品单一公约) has required countries to make recreational use of cocaine a criminal offence(犯罪).[19]

可卡因是繼[[大麻]]之後,全世界最常使用的[[管制藥物|濫用藥物]]之一[17]。每年用藥人數約在1400萬至2100萬人之間。其中北美洲的用量最大,其次為歐洲和南美洲。其中 1-3% 的[[已開發國家]]人口在他的一生中至少使用過可卡因一次[9]。2013年,可卡因直接導致約4300人死亡,比起1990年的2400人上升了許多[18]。{{le|祕魯人|Peruvians}}從遠古時代就有嚼食[[古柯]]葉的習俗[13]。1860年,可卡因首次由古柯葉內純化出來[9]。1961年起,國際[[麻醉品單一公約]]要求各國將所有非醫學用途的可卡因使用入罪規範[19]。