<!-- Definition and symptoms -->
Alzheimer’s disease (AD), also known as Alzheimer disease, is the cause of 60% to 70% of cases of dementia.[1][2]It is a chronic disease that usually starts slowly and gets worse over time.[2] The most common early symptom is difficulty in remembering recent events.[1] As the disease advances, symptoms can include: trouble with language, easily getting lost, mood swings, loss of motivation, trouble taking care of themselves, and issues with behavior.[2][1] As a person’s condition declines they often withdraw from family and society.[1]Gradually, bodily functions are lost, ultimately leading to death.[3] Although the speed of progression can vary, the average life expectancy following diagnosis is three to nine years.[4]
<!-- 定義與症狀 -->
’’’阿茲海默氏症’’’({{lang-la|Morbus Alzheimer}},{{lang-de|Alzheimer-Krankheit}},[[縮寫]]:{{lang|de|AK}},{{lang-en|Alzheimer’s disease}},[[縮寫]]:{{lang|en|AD}})或稱’’’腦退化症’’。舊稱為{{lang-en|Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type}},[[縮寫]]:{{lang|en|SDAT}} 、阿爾茨海默病、老人失智症;俗稱老年痴呆症(但醫界不建議使用此名稱[註 1])。阿茲海默氏症佔了[[失智症]]中六到七成的成因[1][2],是一種發病進程緩慢、隨著時間不斷惡化的持續性[[神經]]功能障礙[2]。最常見的早期症狀,是難以記住最近發生的事情[1]。隨著疾病的發展,症狀可能會包含:[[譫妄]]、易怒、具攻擊性、無法正常言語、容易迷路、{{link-en|mood swing|情緒不穩定}}、喪失[[動機|生存動力]]、喪失[[長期記憶]]、難以自理和行為異常等[2][1][原5][原9]。當患者的狀況變差時,往往會因此脫離家庭和社會關係[1][原5][原9],並逐漸喪失身體機能,最終導致死亡[3][原10]。雖然疾病的進程因人而異,很難預測患者的[[預後]],但一般而言,確定診斷後的平均餘命是三到九年[4],確診之後存活超過十四年的病患少於3%[原12]。
阿茲海默症(拉丁語:Morbus Alzheimer,德語:Alzheimer-Krankheit,縮寫:AK,英語:Alzheimer’s disease,縮寫:AD)或稱腦退化症(舊譯為阿爾茨海默病、老人失智症,俗稱老年痴呆症,醫界不建議使用此名稱[原註 1];英語:Senile Dementia of the Alzheimer Type,簡稱SDAT),是一種持續性神經功能障礙,也是失智症中最普遍的成因。
<!-- Cause, diagnosis and prevention -->
The cause of Alzheimer’s disease is poorly understood.[1] About 70% of the risk is believed to be genetic with many genes usually involved.[5] Other risk factors include: a history of head injuries, depression or hypertension.[1] The disease process is associated with plaques and tangles in the brain.[5] A probable diagnosis is based on the history of the illness and cognitive testing with medical imaging and blood work used to rule out other possible causes.[6] Initial symptoms are often mistaken for normal aging.[1] It is not unusual for it to take three to six years before the diagnosis is made.[7] Examination of brain tissue is needed for a definite diagnosis.[5] Developing a greater intelligence, exercise, and avoiding obesity may decrease the risk of AD.[5] There are no medications or supplements with evidence to support their use.[8] It is classified as a neurodegenerative disorder.[1]
<!-- 成因、診斷與預防 -->
阿茲海默氏症的真正成因至今仍然不明[1]。目前將阿茲海默氏症視為一種[[神經退行性疾病|神經退化的疾病]][1],並認為有將近七成的危險因子與[[遺傳]]相關[5];其他的相關危險因子有:[[頭部外傷]]、[[憂鬱症]]或[[高血壓]]的病史[1]。疾病的進程與[[大腦]]中{{link-en|Senile plaques|纖維狀類澱粉蛋白質斑塊沉積}}和[[濤蛋白]]({{Lang-en|Tau protein}}[18])相關[5]。要確切地診斷阿茲海默氏症,需要根據病人病史、行為評估、{{link-en|Cognitive tests|認知測驗}}的結果、腦部[[醫學影像|影像]]檢查和血液採檢,亦可能接著做[[神經成像|神經影像檢查]]輔助診斷[原7][原8],以排除其他類似的認知障礙[6]。初期症狀常被誤認為是正常的老化狀況[1],或是[[壓力]]的一種表現[原5][原6],因而常耗時三到六年才確診[7]。在無法排除其他可治癒原因時,有極少情況下,腦部切片可能對確診有幫助[5]。進行{{link-en|高層次的思考活動|Cognitive_reserve}}、[[運動]]、避免[[肥胖症|肥胖]]等,都有助於減少罹患阿茲海默氏症的風險[5][原16][原17]。目前並沒有特定藥物或營養補充品,有實證證明對疾病治療有效[8]。
<!-- Management -->
No treatments stop or reverse its progression, though some may temporarily improve symptoms.[2] Affected people increasingly relies on others for assistance. It may place a great burden on caregivers; the pressures can include social, psychological, physical, and economic elements.[9] Exercise programs are beneficial with respect to activities of daily living and potentially improve outcomes.[10] Treatment of behavioral problems or psychosis due to dementia with antipsychotics is common but not usually recommended due to there often being little benefit and an increased risks of death.[11][12]
<!-- 處置 -->
目前並沒有可以阻停止或逆轉病程的治療,只有少數可能可以暫時(緩解)改善症狀的方法[2]。截至2012年為止,已有超過1000個[[臨床試驗]]研究如何治療阿茲海默症,然而這些研究是否能找到有效的治療方法仍是未知數[原15]。((有人提出[[腦力鍛鍊]]、運動和均衡飲食等方法,可能可以幫助健康老人減緩認知症狀(並非減緩大腦的病理學變化)[原16],然而這些方法仍缺乏有力的證據支持其效果[原16]。)) 疾病會使患者會越來越需要{{link-en|Caring for people with dementia|他人的照護}},這對照護者是一大負擔;這樣的照護壓力涵括了社會層面、精神層面、生理層面和經濟因素[9]。不同的運動計畫,無論時間長度與每週運動頻率,都能改善病人的[[日常生活活動|居家生活]]表現功能,也對於改善預後有相當助益[10]。由失智症狀引起(造成)的行為異常和[[思覺失調]],常以[[抗精神病藥]]治療,惟其效益不高且可能增加死亡率,因此並不特別建議使用[11][12]。
<!-- Epidemiology, history, society and research-->
In 2010, there were between 21 and 35 million people worldwide with AD.[4][2] It most often begins in people over 65 years of age, although 4% to 5% of cases are early-onset Alzheimer’s which begin before this.[13] It affects about 6% of people 65 years and older.[1] In 2010 dementia resulted in about 486,000 deaths.[14] It was first described by German psychiatrist and pathologist Alois Alzheimer in 1906 after who it was later named.[15] In developed countries, AD is one of the most financially costly diseases to society.[16][17]
<!-- 流行病學、歷史、社會與研究 -->
阿茲海默氏症最早於1906年,由德國精神病學家和病理學家[[愛羅斯·阿茲海默]]首次發現,因此而得名[15];主要分為家族性阿茲海默氏症與阿茲海默老年痴呆症兩種,其中又以後者較常見[原24]。阿茲海默氏症好發於65歲以上的老年人(約有6%發生率[1]),但有4%~5%的患者會在65歲之前就發病,屬於{{link-en|早發性阿茲海默氏症|early-onset Alzheimer’s disease}}[13]。在2010年,全球有將近2100萬到3500萬名阿茲海默氏症患者[4][2];而歸因於阿茲海默氏症相關的死亡案例,大約有48.6萬例[14]。在已開發國家中,阿茲海默氏症是相當耗費社會財政補助的疾病之一[16][17]。