子宮內膜癌(英語:endometrial cancer),又稱子宮體癌,是一系列病發於子宮內膜或子宮內層的惡性腫瘤。子宮內膜癌是已開發國家中最常見的一種婦科癌症[原1],大約每年診斷有超過142,200名婦科患者[原2]。這類癌症的發病率在年齡和身體質量指數增加時,有潛在緩慢上升的趨勢;大約39%的患者都和肥胖有關[原2]。它最常見的子類,子宮內膜樣腺癌通常發生於更年期後數十年,並與肥胖、分泌過量雌性激素有關,並通常發展為子宮內膜增生症,伴有經常性陰道出血。子宮內膜癌也是第三大死亡率的婦科腫瘤(位居卵巢癌和宮頸癌之後)。採用子宮全切除術和兩側輸卵管-卵巢切除術是最常見的治療措施[原3]。
<!-- Definition and symptoms -->
Endometrial cancer is when cancer arises from the endometrium, otherwise known as the lining of the uterus or womb.[1] It is due to the abnormal growth of cells that have the ability to invade or spread to other parts of the body.[2] The first sign is usually vaginal bleeding not associated with a woman’s period.[1] Other possible symptoms include: pain with urination, pain with sexual intercourse or pelvic pain.[1] It most commonly occurs in the decades after menopause.[3]
<!-- 定義與症狀 -->
’’’子宮內膜癌’’’({{lang-en|endometrial cancer}}),又稱子宮體癌,指的是源自{{link-en|子宮內膜|endometrium}}或[[子宮]]的[[癌症]][1]。其病因是由於[[細胞]]異常的生長,並且具備了能夠侵襲或擴散到身體其他部位的能力[2]。常見的症狀便是非經期{{link-en|子宮出血|vaginal bleeding}}[1]。其他可能出現的症狀包括:[[排尿]]或發生性行為時的{{link-en|下腹部疼痛|pelvic pain}}[1]。子宮內膜癌最常發生在[[更年期|停經]]後十年內[3]。
<!-- Cause and Diagnosis -->
Endometrial cancer is associated with obesity, excessive estrogen exposure,high blood pressure and diabetes mellitus.[1] Approximately 40% of cases are related to obesity.[4] While taking estrogen alone increases the risk taking both estrogen and progesterone such as found in most birth control pills decreases the risk.[1][5] Between two to five percent are related to genes inherited from a person’s parents.[5] Endometrial cancer is sometimes loosely referred to as "uterine cancer", although womb cancer can also arise from other tissues of the uterus, such as in cervical cancer, sarcoma, and trophoblastic disease.[6] The most frequent type of endometrial cancer is endometrioid carcinoma, which accounts for more than 80% of all cases.[4] Diagnosis is usually by endometrial biopsy or taking samples during a procedure known as dilatation and curettage.[1]A pap smear is not typically sufficient.[7] Regular screening in those at normal risk is not required.[8]
<!-- 成因與診斷 -->
子宮內膜癌和[[肥胖]]、暴露過多[[雌激素]]、[[高血壓]]和[[糖尿病]]相關[1]。將近有40%的案例都與肥胖相關[4]。這類癌症的發病率在年齡和體重增加時,有潛在緩慢上升的趨勢[原2]。根據文獻指出,單獨服用雌激素會增加罹病風險,但同時服用雌激素和[[黃體激素]](一般常見於[[避孕藥]]中)卻會降低罹病風險[1][5]。約有2~5%的病人罹病因素和親代的遺傳基因相關[5]。子宮內膜癌有時候會只被稱為{{Link-en|子宮癌|Uterine_cancer}},但事實上子宮裡發生的癌症並不只有子宮內膜癌,其他的組織也有可能癌化,像是[[子宮頸癌]]、[[子宮肉瘤|子宮肌層肉瘤]]、[[妊娠滋养细胞疾病|滋養細胞疾病]][6]。{{Link-en|病理分類|Histopathology|組織病理學}}上最常見的子宮內膜癌屬於惡性子宮內膜[[癌|上皮癌]],其比例超過80%[4]。一般診斷是透過{{Link-en|子宮內膜刮除術|Dilation_and_curettage}},取得{{Link-en|子宮內膜的活體組織|Endometrial biopsy}}進行診斷[1]。[[巴氏涂片检查|子宮頸抹片]]並非必要措施[7]。因侵入性高,不建議對於無特殊罹患子宮內膜癌風險的一般大眾,進行例行性子宮內膜刮除篩檢[8]。
<!-- Treatment and Prognosis -->
The leading treatment option is total removal by surgery of the uterus, called an abdominal hysterectomy, together with removal of the fallopian tubes and ovaries on both sides, called a bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy.[7] In more advanced cases radiation therapy, chemotherapy or hormone therapy may also be recommended.[7]When the disease is caught in the early stages, the outcomes are favorable.[7] The overall five year survival rate in the United States is greater than 80%.[9]
<!-- 治療與預後 -->
目前的治療以[[手術]][[子宮切除術|移除子宮]]為主,通常會一併移除雙側[[輸卵管]]和[[卵巢]](稱為雙側{{Link-en|輸卵管及卵巢切除術|Salpingo-oophorectomy}})[原3][7]。對於較為嚴重的個案,[[放射線療法|放射治療]]、[[化學療法|化療]]和{{link-en|賀爾蒙療法|Hormone therapy}}也需要列入考慮[7]。早[[癌症分期|期]]發現並接受治療的子宮內膜癌,未來[[預後]]會較好[7]。在美國,病患的[[五年存活率|五年存活率]]超過八成[9]。
<!-- Epidemiology -->
In 2012, endometrial cancers occurred in 320,000 women and caused 76,000 deaths.[5] This makes it the third most common cause of death from female cancers, behind ovarian and cervical cancer.[5] It is more common in the developed world[5] and is the most common cancers of the female reproductive tract in developed countries.[7] Rates of endometrial cancer have risen in a number of countries between the 1980s and 2010.[5] This is believed to be due to the increasing number of elderly people and increasing rates of obesity.[8]
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