Offline Wikipedia & helping global south 離線維基與國民外交









內容:維基百科的運作方式、維基編輯 (以 wikibooks 為例,目標編出「你不知道der柬埔寨/史瓦濟蘭」這一類的教材,可做行前訓練用)












Information 計畫: 學習是一個作為學生最重要的目的,然而遠在柬埔寨的學生,面對資源短

缺的情況下,儘管學生充滿學習的熱誠,但是學校也無法提供足夠的學習資源 予學生學習。此方案是以教育為最終目標,以圖書館及線下百科全書為主軸, 並希望帶給他們更豐富及平等的學習機會。

(一) 前言:

學校是獲取知識最直接的地方,但是在經濟較落後、知識水平相對低落的 國家,資源分佈不均,政府無法給予學生足夠的教育資源,導致學生獲取知識 的管道受限,無法有效地獲取知識。又「知識是人類進步的階梯。」在全球化 的影響下,知識應該是一個公共且共享的資產。在網路快速演進下,維基百科 (Wikipedia)為全人類的知識設計良好的平台,免費共享地球上的知識,較傳 統捐贈百科全書更便利,其缺點為需要網路連結,所幸市面上出現「離線維 基」相關軟件,使無網路覆蓋的地區也得以有機會使用。我們希望提供柬埔寨 離線維基百科,提供當地學生更多獲取知識的機會及方法。

(二) 目的:

1. 推廣知識共享,使當地不因缺乏資源而學習受限 

2. 使偏鄉老師有獲取知識的工具與自學能力

3. 使老師能夠有足夠能力引導學生使用此學習工具

(三) 專案內容:

1. 編寫程式







2. 募集電子設備 我們希望提供一定數量的電子設備,此為了確保柬埔寨學生有足夠的硬體 可以接觸到我們提供給他們的離線維基百科。我們會籌募一定數量的電子 設備,而將電子設備分配好再送到所需的機構單位,並進行後續的培訓及 教學工作。

3. 舉辦教學工作坊 一個多成功的軟件,如果沒能充分利用,就是一個失敗的軟件。我們在 開發之餘,更需要的是要確保去服務的團員熟悉軟件的使用方法,此其 一。其二,我們要肯定當地的老師或職員清楚軟件的用法,所以我們會 在出發服務前,會舉辦一個小型的工作坊,讓團員有機會示範教學,並 評估教授效果,從而改善團員的教學技巧。

4. 示範教學 我們會在柬埔寨的合作機構實施教學活動。首先,我們會為他們為現有 的電子設備安裝離線百科,另外一些沒有電子設備的地方,我們會為他 們提供已經安裝好教學軟件的電子設備。更重要的是,我們會為服務機 構的老師進行教學示範,確保老師能夠明確知道軟件的使用方法,並且 具備足夠能力指導學生使用。

(四) 工作日期

分期 日期 名稱 內容
準備期 2015/04 聯絡維基合作 與台灣維基百科聯絡,並討論共同 研發離線維基百科。
準備期 2015/05 軟件開發 有維基台灣及台北醫學大學的學生 共同開發程式(離線維基)
準備期 2015/05 軟件教學 教授團員使用離線維基軟件
評估期 2015/06 工作坊 讓團員有機會進行教學,從而評估 教學成效
執行期 2015/08 活動執行 在當地執行本專案
檢討期 2015/09 成果評估及回饋 所得回饋機構,評估此專案之成效

(五) 預期效益: 藉這次前往柬埔寨的機會,我們希望可以給他們帶去更多接觸知識的途徑。

短期內就可以使當地老師可以使用我們帶去的離線維基百科,這也是這個計畫 的核心之一。我們希望帶去的離綫維基百科可以激發柬埔寨的孩子們對於學習 知識的熱枕。並且我們也希望離綫維基百科可以順利讓學生更加容易的獲取知 識。長期來說,我們希望當地老師與維基人能共同編撰高棉文內容,使此百科可 以長久持續的使用,並不會因為我們的離去而使他們斷絕了和知識接觸的機會, 而是更長久地與更廣泛地讓當地人使用。

English Version

1. Introduction 


Wikipedia is one of the plans within Wiki Foundation,which has the same character to freely share knowledge with all human beings in a more convenient way.At present,there are 285 versions of language in wikipedia, while each language has different number of articles. Now, there are 4 million articles in English and 5600 in Khmer.Moreover,Offline Wikipedia has released, which allows even in a place where there isn’t network covering to have the access to gain the knowledge by using it. Also,there is another project called Wikibook, which edition syntax is more close to the textbook in contrast to Wikipedia. 


2. Objective 


We will introduce teachers and students the basic use of Wikipedia and install the offline Wikipedia in the hardware for them. 


3. Facilities and The Criteria for Target Population 


A classroom with electricity and equipped with at least one computer. If the classroom lacks of a computer, we can take one over. Students and teachers are the target population. 


4. Methods and Schedules 4.1 Before Service Duration: 


4.1.1Prepare for the program:

We will cooperate with Taiwan Wikipedia, investigating a variety of types of Offline Wikipedia,comparing the program interface among them, getting familiar with the process of download. We try to figure out the application that is easily operated and downloaded.In the aspect of language,we are going to mainly use Khmer, even though the content in Khmer are relatively less than English,so we will still use English and Simple English as supplement.

4.1.2 Hold a workshop

We want every team member to fully understand how to operate the offline Wikipedia, so we will invite the staff of Taiwan Wikipedia to teach us. 

4.2 During Service: 

After installing the software in a computer, we will teach them the operation, including the general interface, the steps to search, and self-learnings skills. Moreover, we will demonstrate teaching skills for the teachers by using the same materials and leave the teaching videos recorded before service. 

4.3 After Service:

To keep this program as long as possible, we could manage to stay in contact with teachers between our routine services. Contacting online, routinely consulting during weekends, sharing the experiences and obstacles through emails are all welcomed. Periodically training evaluation and education feedback from trainers and teachers will be highly expected to make our project more integrated and better.       

5. Benefitsforpeopleandorganizations 


The aim of this program is to promote a free way to share knowledge, breaking the limit, an unevenly-distributed learning resources. By the software, teachers can learn by themselves and educate students more effectively. 


6. Goals 


6.1 Short-term Goals:                              

Organize the teaching materials and resources in accordance with local culture and educational level. The first group of trainers and teachers will be trained.

6.2 Mid-term Goals:

Follow the trainers’ teaching situations and evaluate the benefit of teaching materials. Furthermore, to make the teaching materials more detailed and local-oriented, the feedback from trainers will be carefully and thoroughly scrutinized and integrated. Moreover, we want to introduce Cambodian Wikipedian to the teachers, who can solve problems immediately and effectively, hoping local resources can co-support the program.                       

6.3 Long-term Goals: 

we expect that offline Wikipedia becomes the e-library in remote class, providing free knowledge for students, and teachers as well. Moreover, we hope to establish the relation between Wikipedian with teachers, which is more effective and sustainable. 
