茲卡熱Zika Fever



Zika fever, also known as Zika virus disease, is an illness caused by the Zika virus.[1] Symptoms are similar to dengue fever.[1] Most cases (60–80%) have no symptoms.[2] When symptoms are present they generally include fever, red eyes, joint pain, headache, and a maculopapular rash.[3][1] In general symptoms are mild and last less than seven days.[4] Deaths have not occured during the initial infection as of 2015.[2]Infection has been linked to Guillain–Barré syndrome.[2]

茲卡熱,又稱作茲卡病毒感染症,是一種由茲卡病毒所引發的疾病[1],其症狀和登革熱相似[1] 。大部分被感染的個案(60-80%) 並無明顯症狀[2]。當症狀出現時,病人可能會有[[發燒]]、[[結膜炎|眼睛紅腫]]、[[關節疼痛]]、[[頭痛]],或是產生[[斑丘疹]][3][1]。大部分的症狀僅是輕微的,且通常不會持續超過七天[4]。在2015年之前並沒有任何因初期感染茲卡病毒而死亡的案例[2]。茲卡病毒的感染被認為可能和[[吉巴氏綜合症]](Guillain-Barré Syndrome)有關[2]

Zika fever is mainly spread by the bite ofmosquitoes of the Aedes type.[4] It can also be potentially spread by sex and blood transfusions.[4] The disease may spread from mother-to-child in the womb and causemicrocephaly.[1][2] Diagnosis is by testing the blood, urine, or saliva for the virus’s RNAwhen the person is sick.[4][1]

茲卡熱的傳播方式主要是透過[[黑斑蚊]]的叮咬[4],也可經由性行為、血液傳輸而感染[4] ,茲卡病毒甚至可能透過母子[[垂直傳染]],引起胎兒的[[小頭症]][1][2] 。經由檢測血液、尿液或是唾液中的病毒RNA,可以診斷病人是否感染茲卡病毒[4][1]

Prevention involves decreasing mosquitoes bites in areas where the disease occurs.[4]Efforts include the use of insect repellent, covering much of the body with clothing,mosquito nets, and getting rid of standing water as this is where mosquitoes reproduce.[1]There is no effective vaccine.[4] Brazilian health officials recommended in 2015 that parents consider putting off pregnancy due to the outbreak and it is recommended that pregnanct women not travel to areas where the outbreak is occuring.[5][4] While their is no specific treatment, paracetamol (acetaminophen) may help with the symptoms.[4]Admission to hospital is rarely needed.[2]


The virus that causes the disease was first isolated in 1947.[6] The first documented outbreak among people occurred in 2007 in the Federated States of Micronesia.[4] As of January 2016 the disease was occurring in twenty regions of the Americas.[4] It is also known to occur in Africa, Asia, and the Pacific.[1] Due to the outbreak which started in Brazil in 2015, the World Health Organization declared it a Public Health Emergency of International Concern in February of 2016.[7]

造成茲卡熱的茲卡病毒於1947年被分離出來 [6]。人類史上第一次有紀錄的茲卡熱大爆發發生於2007年,地點在[[密克羅尼西亞]] [4]。2016年一月,茲卡熱開始蔓延於[[美國]]境內約20個地區[4]。

非洲、亞洲和大洋洲也都有茲卡熱的疫情 [1]。[[世界衛生組織]]根據2015年開始於[[巴西]]的大爆發,於2016年二月發布了[[國際公共衛生緊急事件]] [7]。

2016/2/13 已由 Yrr933! 整合到中文維基 "茲卡熱 " 條目中