難產/Obstructed labour



’’’ 難產’’’指[[分娩]]時困難或出現不正常的問題。據統計,人類分娩中大約有1/5有難產問題。難產的原因可能是[[子宮]]活動不協調,胎兒位置或方向不正常,或胎兒體積不正常。[[催生素]]常被用來幫助子宮活動。出現難產的懷孕,多數會以[[產鉗]]、[[吸杯]]方法助產。現時更多難產個案會以 [[剖腹生產]]。難產可導致的問題包括胎兒死亡、呼吸困難、腦細胞受損等問題。

肩難產(Shoulder Dystocia)是指胎兒頭部分娩後,前肩在恥骨聯合之下不能通過。

<!-- Definition and symptoms -->

Obstructed labour, also known as labour dystocia, is when, even though the uterus is contracting normally, the baby does not exit the pelvis during childbirth due to being physically blocked.[1] Complications for the baby include not getting enough oxygen which may result in death. It increases the risk of the mother getting an infection, having uterine rupture, or having post-partum bleeding.[2] Long term complications for the mother include obstetrical fistula. Obstructed labour is said to result in prolonged labour, when the active phase of labour is longer than twelve hours.[1]

’’’難產’’’(Obstructed labour)是指[[分娩]]時,[[子宮]]雖然正常收縮,但卻因物理因素無法順利產出胎兒的情形[1]。難產誘發的併發症除了因胎兒缺氧造成致命性的{{le|周產期窒息|Perinatal asphyxia}},母體也可能遭受感染、[[子宮破裂]],或出現{{le|產後出血|post-partum bleeding}}的情形[2]。母體的長期的併發症包括[[生產性瘻管]]。一般相信難產的主因是{{le|滯產|prolonged labour}},即生產過程超過一般約12小時的分娩時程[1]。

<!-- Causes and diagnosis -->

The main causes of obstructed labour include: a large or abnormally positioned baby, a small pelvis, and problems with the birth canal. Abnormal positioning includes shoulder dystocia were the anterior shoulder does not pass easily below the pubic bone.[1] Risk factors for a small pelvis include malnutrition and a lack of exposure to sunlight causing vitamin D deficiency.[3] It is also more common in adolescence as the pelvis may not have finished growing.[2] Problems with the birth canal include a narrow vagina and perineum which may be due to female genital mutilation or tumors.[1] A partograph is often used to track labour progression and diagnose problems.[2] This combined with physical examination may identify obstructed labour.[4]



<!-- Management and epidemiology-->

The treatment of obstructed labour may require cesarean section or vacuum extraction with possible surgical opening of the symphysis pubis. Other measures include: keeping the women hydrated and antibiotics if the membranes have been ruptured for more than 18 hours.[5] In Africa and Asia obstructed labor effects between two and five percent of deliveries.[6] In 2013 it resulted in 19,000 deaths down from 29,000 deaths in 1990 (about 8% of all deaths related to pregancy).[7][1] Most deaths due to this condition occur in the developing world.[2]


處理難產的狀況可能需要[[剖腹生產]]或是[[真空吸引]],甚至可能進行[[恥骨聯合切開術]]。其他的處置包括持續給予孕婦充分的水份,如果[[羊膜]]已經破裂長達18個小時以上需投與[[抗生素]] [5]。在非洲與亞洲,難產的發生率為總生產量的百分之二到五[6]。在2013年,難產造成了19000個死亡案例,和1990年的29000例較為下降(難產大約與百分之八的[[死因相關]]) [1][7]。與難產相關的死亡案例大多發生於[[開發中國家]] [2]。

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