<!--Definition and risk factors -->
Suicide is the act of intentionally causing one’s own death.[1] Risk factors include mental illness such as depression, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, personality disorders, alcoholism, or drug abuse.[2][3] Others are impulsive acts due to stress such as from financial difficulties, troubles with relationships, or bullying.[4][3] Those who have previously attempted suicide are at high risk of future attempts.[3] Suicide prevention efforts include limiting access to method of suicide such as firearms and poisons, treating mental illness and drug misuse, proper media reporting of suicide, and improving economic conditions.[3] Although crisis hotlines are common, there is little evidence for their effectiveness.[5]
自殺的風險因素包括[[憂鬱症]]、[[躁鬱症]]、[[思覺失調症]]、[[人格障礙]]或是[[物質濫用]]在內的[[心理疾病]][2][3]。其他因素還有因為經濟問題、人際問題或是[[霸凌]]而有的壓力而產生的{{le|衝動|Impulsivity}}行為[4][3]。以往曾試圖自殺的人,再度自殺的可能性也較高[3]。{{le|自殺防制|Suicide prevention}}的方式包括管制可能用來自殺的物品(如[[槍枝]]及毒藥),提高取得的難度,治療心理疾病及物質濫用,改善媒體報導自殺的方式,及提升經濟條件等[3]。{{le|生命線|crisis hotlines}}之類的協談電話雖常見,但有關其成效的研究還不太充份[5]。
<!--Method and epidemiology -->
The most commonly used method of suicide varies between countries and is partly related to the availability of effective means.[6] Common methods include: hanging, pesticide poisoning, and firearms.[7] Suicide resulted in 842,000 deaths in 2013 up from 712,000 deaths in 1990.[8] This makes it the 10th leading cause of death worldwide.[2][9] Rates of completed suicides are generally higher in men than in women, with males three to four times more likely to kill themselves than females.[10] There are an estimated 10 to 20 million non-fatal attempted suicides every year.[11] Non-fatal suicide attempts may lead to injury and long-term disabilities. In the Western world, attempts are more common in young people and are four times more common in females than in males.[12]
常用的{{le|自殺方式|Suicide methods}}會隨著地區而不同,也會和自殺工具是否容易取得有些關係[6]。常用的方式包括[[上吊自杀|上吊]]、{{le|殺蟲劑中毒|Pesticide poisoning}}及[[枪械]][7]。自殺造成2013年842000人死亡,較1990的712000增加,使之成為全球第十大死因[2][9]。通常男性自殺完成的比率高於女性,而男性想要自殺的比率也是女性的四至五倍[10]。估計每年試圖自殺的人有一千萬至二千萬人[11],試圖自殺可能會造成受傷甚至長期的失能。在西方國家中,年輕人較容易有試圖自殺的情形,女性發生比率是男性的五倍[2]。
<!--History, society and culture -->
Views on suicide have been influenced by broad existential themes such as religion, honor, and the meaning of life.[13][14] The Abrahamic religions traditionally consider suicide an offense towards God due to the belief in the sanctity of life.[15] During the samurai era in Japan, a form of suicide known as seppuku was respected as a means of making up for failure or as a form of protest.[16] Sati, a practice outlawed by the British Raj, expected the Indian widow to kill herself on her husband’s funeral fire, either willingly or under pressure from the family and society.[17] Suicide and attempted suicide, while previously illegal, are no longer in most Western countries.[18] It remains a criminal offense in many countries.[19] In the 20th and 21st centuries, suicide has been used on rare occasions as a form of protest, and kamikaze and suicide bombings have been used as a military or terrorist tactic.[20] The word is from Latin suicidium, which means "to kill oneself".[21]
<!--歷史 , 社會及文化-->
一直以來,人們對於自殺的看法受到宗教、{{le|榮譽感|honor}}和{{le|人生意義|meaning of life}}這類普遍{{le|存在|existential}}的議題所影響。[13] [14] {{le|亞伯拉罕宗教群組|Abrahamic religions}}認為生命是神聖的,所以自殺 [[原罪|有違上帝旨意]]。[15]在{{le|日本武士|samurai}}時代,{{le|切腹自殺|seppuku}}象徵對失敗{{le|負責|making up}}或表達抗議。[16]印度習俗「 {{le|薩提|sati}}」,即丈夫過世後, {{le|寡婦|India widow}}出於自願或迫於家庭和社會壓力在其 {{le|火葬儀式|funeral fire}}中跟著自焚 {{le|殉葬|kill herself}},後來在[[英屬印度|英國統治期間]]遭到禁止。[17]現在大部分西方國家已不再將自殺和自殺未遂視為非法。[18] 但自殺在許多國家仍屬於犯罪行為。[19]在20和21世紀,自殺已成為特殊情況下的抗議形式, {{le|敢死隊|kamikaze}}和 {{le|自殺炸彈|suicide bombings}}則用來作為軍事戰略或恐怖攻擊。[20]自殺一詞源於拉丁語suicidium,意為「將自己殺死」。[21]
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