異位子宮內膜可出現在身體不同部位,但絕大多數位於盆腔內,其中盆腔腹膜內異症約占75%;卵巢受累達半數以上,兩側卵巢同時波及者約50%;約7%~37%累及腸管;16% 累及泌尿系。盆腔外內異症常見於剖宮產和側切手術的瘢痕處,罕見於臍、肺、肌肉骨骼、胃、肝臟、眼和腦等處.內異症可分為腹膜型、卵巢型、深部浸潤型和其他部位型四個類型。日本學者根據內異症病灶形態,在腹腔鏡下可分為無色素性病灶,含色素性病灶和繼發性病變等。無色素性病灶包括透明小水泡、漿液性囊泡和表面隆起等。含色素性病灶包括紫藍色結節、血性囊泡、散在煤渣樣灶、含鐵血紅素著色、點狀出血斑、漿膜下出血等。 顯微鏡下檢查早期子宮內膜異位病灶,在病灶中可見到子宮內膜上皮、內膜腺體或腺樣結構、內膜間質及出血。有時臨床表現典型,但內異症的組織病理特徵極少,鏡檢時能找到少量內膜間質細胞即可確診。異位子宮內膜可出現不典型增生,少數發生惡變,多為卵巢子宮內膜樣癌或透明細胞癌。
Endometriosis is a disease in which tissue that normally grows inside the uterus(子宫) grows outside the uterus.[1] Its main symptoms are pelvic pain and infertility. Nearly half have chronic pelvic pain while in 70% pain occurs during menstruation(月經). Pain with sex is also common. Infertility occurs in up to half of people.[2] Endometriosis can have both social and psychological effects.[3] Less common symptoms include urinary or bowel symptoms. About 25% of women have no symptoms.[2]
’’’子宮內膜異位症’’’({{lang|en|Endometriosis}})為一種[[婦科疾病]],指的是本當存在於[[子宮]]內的組織卻在子宮外的其他地方生長[1],主要的症狀有[[骨盆疼痛]]以及[[不孕]]。有近一半的患者有[[慢性骨盆疼痛]]的困擾,更有七成的疼痛感發生在[[經期]],性交時會產生疼痛感的主訴更是常見,有五成的病人更罹患了不孕症[2] 。子宮內膜異位症會對病人的社交生活與心靈造成影響[3] 。有極少數的病患有排尿或腸部分的病徵。約25%的患者沒有任何症狀[2]。
The cause is not entirely clear.[2] Risk factors include having a family history of the condition. Most often the ovaries(卵巢), fallopian tubes(输卵管), and tissue around the uterus are affected; however, in rare cases it may also occur in other parts of the body.[4] The areas of endometriosis bleed each month which results in inflammation and scarring.[2][4] The growths due to endometriosis are notcancer(癌症). Diagnosis is usually based on symptom in combination with medical imaging(醫學影像). Biopsy(活體組織切片) is the most sure method of diagnosis.[4] Other causes of similar symptoms include: irritable bowel syndrome(大腸激躁症), interstitial cystitis(間質性膀胱炎), and fibromyalgia.[2]
造成子宮內膜異位症的原因尚未有定論[2],但危險因子包括有家族病史等[中1]。大多數的病患在患病後在[[卵巢]];[[輸卵管]]和子宮周圍的組織會有感染與影響,而且,甚至有極少數的患者在身體的其他部位也會產生感染[4]。因子宮內膜異位症而每月造成出血的部位會有發炎與留疤的疑慮[2][4] 。此疾病而促使的細胞生長並不是癌症。診斷常是依據症狀並結合[[醫學影像]]技術。[[切片檢查]]是所有檢驗當中最精確的方法[4]。會引起相同症狀的疾病包括有:[[大腸激躁症]]、[[間質性膀胱炎]]和[[纖維肌痛]]等[2]。
Tentative evidence suggests that the use of combined oral contraceptives(复合口服避孕药) reduces the risk of endometriosis.[5]Exercise and avoiding large amount of alcohol may also be preventative.[4] There is no cure for endometriosis, but a number of treatments may improve symptoms.[2] This may include pain medication(镇痛药), hormonal treatments, or surgery. The recommended pain medication is usually an NSAIDs(非甾体抗炎药) such as naproxen(萘普生). Taking the active component of the birth control pill continuously or an intrauterine device with progestogen may also be useful. Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist may improve the ability of those who are infertile to get pregnant(妊娠). Surgical removal of endometriosis may be done in those whose symptoms are not manageable with medical treatment.[4]
一些實驗證據顯示,服用[[複合型口服避孕藥]]能降低罹患子宮內膜異位症的機率[5],大量的運動以及避免飲用大量酒精飲料也同樣有預防效果[4] 。目前沒有針對此症而開發的特效藥,但有多項醫療方法可改善症狀[2] 。上述提到的方法包括有使用[[止痛藥]]、賀爾蒙藥物或透過手術來達到幫助病人的目的。推薦患者服用的止痛藥通常為例如[[那普洛先]]類的[[非類固醇類抗發炎藥]]。連續使用避孕藥中的活性成分或裝設[[子宮內避孕器]]都視為對抗子宮內膜異位症的有效方法。[[促性腺刺激素拮抗劑]]能多少協助因罹患此疾病而不孕的婦女[[懷孕]]。對於症狀無法藉由藥物來控制的病患,只能考慮進行手術了[4]。
Endometriosis is estimated to occur in roughly 6–10% of women.[2] It is most common in those in their thirties and forties. [4] It results in few deaths with this being estimated at 200 globally in 2013.[6] Endometriosis was first determined to be a separate condition in the 1920s. Before that time endometriosis and adenomyosis(子宫腺肌病) were considered together. It is unclear who first described the disease.[7]
目前估計約有6-10%的婦女有子宮內膜異位症的困擾[2],病患多為30-40歲的女性[4] 。有些微的致死率,而在2013年時,約造成200名患者死亡[6] 。1920年代,第一次認定為疾病的一種,在那之前,子宮內膜異位症都覺得和[[子宮肌腺瘤]]是相同的,對於誰是第一個明確描述此惡疾的,尚未有一個定論[7]。