旱廁 / Pit latrine



A pit latrine or pit toilet is a type of toilet that collects human feces in a hole in the ground. They use either no water or one to three liters per flush with pour-flush pit latrines.[2] When properly built and maintained they can decrease the spread of disease by reducing the amount of human feces in the environment from open defecation.[3][4] This decreases the transfer of pathogens between feces and food by flies.[3] These pathogens are major causes of infectious diarrhea and intestinal worm infections.[4] Infectious diarrhea resulted in about 0.7 million deaths in children under five years old in 2011 and 250 million lost school days.[4][5] Pit latrines are the lowest cost method of separating feces from people.[3]

’’’旱廁’’’,或’’’蹲坑廁所’’’,是一種藉著在地下挖洞從而能儲藏[[糞尿]]的[[廁所]]。這類型的廁所,通常沒有沖水設備或只儲備一到三公升的[[水]]來沖馬桶[2]。若按正確工法建造且妥善維持的話,旱廁可以減少因為[[隨地便溺]]而積累的糞便,進而降低疾病的傳播[3][4],甚至能縮減[[蒼蠅]]在食物和排泄物間傳播[[病原體]]的機會[3] 。這些病原體,多是引發[[感染性腹瀉]]和[[腸道寄生蟲]]的主要元兇[4] 。在2011年,約有70萬不到五歲的幼童因為感染性腹瀉而死亡,更有2億5000萬的學童因此不能上學[4][5] 。要避免人和排泄物接觸,旱廁是最經濟實惠的方法[3]

A pit latrine generally consists of three major parts: a hole in the ground, a slab or floor with a small hole, and a shelter.[2] The shelter is often known as an outhouse. The pit is typically at least 3 meters (10 feet) deep and 1 m (3.2 feet) across.[2] The World Health Organization recommends they be built a reasonable distance from the house balancing issues of easy access versus that of smell.[3] The distance from groundwater and surface water should be as large as possible to decrease the risk of groundwater pollution. The hole in the slab should not be larger than 25 centimeters (9.8 inches) to prevent children falling in. Light should be prevented from entering the pit to reduce access by flies. This may require the use of a lid to cover the hole in the floor when not in use.[3] When the pit fills to within 0.5 meters (1.6 feet) of the top, it should be either emptied or a new pit constructed and the shelter moved or re-built at the new location.[6] The management of the fecal sludge removed from the pit is complicated. There are both environment and health risks if not done properly.


A basic pit latrine can be improved in a number of ways. One includes adding a ventilation pipe from the pit to above the structure. This improves airflow and decreases the smell of the toilet. It also can reduce flies when the top of the pipe is covered with mesh (usually made out of fiberglass). In these types of toilets a lid need not be used to cover the hole in the floor.[6] Other possible improvements include a floor constructed so fluid drains into the hole and a reinforcement of the upper part of the pit with bricks, blocks, or cement rings to improve stability.[2][6]

有許多方法可以讓旱廁的設備更臻完善。其中一個就是從建築的頂端設置通風管,這能讓空氣對流而減少廁所內的異味。若能在通風口的頂部以網孔(通常以[[玻璃纖維]]製作)覆蓋,更能減少進出蒼蠅的數量。一般來說,像旱廁這樣的廁所並不需要把地板上的坑洞加蓋[6] 。其他可行的改善方式,包括特殊的底板結構可讓廢水流進洞口,還有使用磚頭、石塊或水泥環提高坑洞上端的穩定性[2][6]

As of 2013 pit latrines are used by an estimated 1.77 billion people.[7] This is mostly in the developing world as well as in rural and wilderness areas. In 2011 about 2.5 billion people did not have access to a proper toilet and one billion resort to open defecation in their surroundings.[8] Southern Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa have the poorest access to toilets.[8] In developing countries the cost of a simple pit toilet is typically between 25 and 60 USD.[9]Ongoing maintenance costs are between 1.5 and 4 USD per person per year which are often not taken into consideration.[10] In some parts of rural India the "No Toilet, No Bride" campaign has been used to promote toilets by encouraging women to refuse to marry a man who does not own a toilet.[11][12]


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