
Mefloquine, sold under the brand names Lariam among others. is a medication used to prevent or treat malaria.[1] When used for prevention it is taken once a week and should be begun one or two weeks before potential exposure and continued for four weeks after potential exposure. It can be used to treat mild or moderate malaria but should not be used to treat severe malaria. It is taken by mouth.[1]

美爾奎寧,市面販售藥名為瘧寧 (Lariam),係為一種預防或治療瘧疾 (malaria) 的藥物[1]。作為預防藥時需一週服用一次,並需於暴露在潛在疫區前一到兩週並於其後持續用藥四週,美爾奎寧可用於治療輕度或中度瘧疾,但不應該用於治療嚴重期。投藥方式為口服。[1]

Serious side effects include potentially long term mental health problems such as depression and anxiety and neurological side effects such as poor balance, seizures, and ringing in the ears. It is therefore not recommended in people with a history of mental health problems or epilepsy. Common side effects include vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, and a rash. It is not recommended in pregnancy unless other options are not available. It should not be used during breast feeding.[1]

<!-- 副作用與機制 -->

嚴重的副作用包含潛在的長期心理健康問題,包含抑鬱 (depression)、焦慮 (anxiety) 及神經性的副作用如平衡感失調、癲癇 (seizures)和耳鳴 (ringing in the ears);因此不建議有著心理問題或癲癇 (epilepsy) 病史的患者服用此藥。常見的副作用包含嘔吐、腹瀉、頭痛及起疹子。除非別無選擇,不然不建議懷孕的患者服用;亦不推薦給哺乳中的患者使用。

Mefloquine was developed by the United States Army in the 1970s and came into use in the mid 1980s.[2][3][4] It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines, the most important medications needed in a basic health system.[5] It is available as a generic medication.[1] The wholesale price is about 0.6 to 1.3 USD per dose.[6] In the United States it cost about 10 USD a dose.[1]

<!-- 歷史、社會、與文化 -->

美爾奎寧是由美軍於 1970 年代開發,並於 1980 年代起用.[2][3][4];在最基本的健康照護系統中最必要的藥物清單[[世界卫生组织基本药物标准清单]]登錄有案[5],是一種常見藥物[1] 。一劑的批發價約在 0.6 到 1.3 美元之間[6],在美國一劑約在10美元左右之譜。[1]