坐骨神經痛 (Sciatica)



<!-- Definition and symptoms -->

Sciatica (/saɪˈætɪkə/), also known as sciatic neuritis, sciatic neuralgia, or lumbar radiculopathy, is when pain is felt going down the leg from the back.[1] This pain may go down the back, outside, or front of the leg. Typically, symptoms are only on one side of the body. Certain causes; however, may result in pain on both sides. Lower back pain is sometimes but not always present. Weakness or numberness may occur in various parts of the leg and foot.[2]

<!-- 定義與症狀 -->


<!-- Cause, mechanism, and diagnosis -->

About 90% of the time sciatic is due to a spinal disc herniation pressing on one of the lumbar or sacral nerve roots.[3] Other problems that may result in sciatic include spondylolisthesis, spinal stenosis, piriformis syndrome, pelvic tumors, and compression by a babies head during pregnancy. The straight-leg-raising test is often helpful in diagnosis. The test is positive if, when the leg is raised while a person is lying on their back, pain shoots below the knee.[2] It most cases medical imaging is not needed. Exceptions to this are when bowel or bladder function is affected, there is significant loss of feeling or weakness, symptoms are long standing, or there is a concern of a tumor or infection.[4] Conditions that may present similarly are diseases of the hip and early herpes zoster before the rash appears.[2]

<!-- 病因、機轉與診斷 -->

大約有九成的坐骨神經痛都源自於[[椎間盤脫出症|椎間盤突出]],因而壓迫{{link-en|腰部神經列表|List of lumbar nerves|腰}}{{link-en|薦神經|Spinal nerve|薦}}神經根所導致的疼痛[3]。其他原因來自於[[脊椎前移|椎間滑脫]]、{{link-en|脊柱狹窄|Spinal stenosis}}、{{linke-en|梨狀肌症候群|Piriformis syndrome}}、{{link-en|骨盆腫瘤|Pelvic tumor}},甚至有可能源自[[妊娠|懷孕]]期間胎兒的頭部壓迫。[[舉腿試驗|直腿抬高測驗]]對於診斷相當有幫助。如果當病人仰臥,將腿伸直並舉起時,感到膝蓋以下劇烈疼痛,則測驗結果為陽性[2]。大多數案例的診斷都無須[[醫學影像]]。除非當小腸和膀胱功能已經受到影響、肢體明顯失去感覺或感到無力、相關症狀已經持續一段時間、腫瘤或感染為鑑別診斷之一,則需要醫學影像協助診斷[4]。髖部的疾病或是還未出現紅疹的[[帶狀皰疹]]前期,都有可能出現類似於坐骨神經痛的症狀[2]。

Treatment initially is typically with pain medications.[4] It is generally recommended that people continue with activites to the best of their abilities.[2] Often all that is required is time and in about 90% of people the problem goes away in less than six weeks. If the pain is severe and last for more than six weeks than surgery may be an option.[4] While surgery often speed pain improvement long term benefits are unclear.[2] Surgery may be required if complications occur such as bowel or bladder problems.[4] Many treatments such assteroids, gabapentin, acupuncture, and spinal manipulation have poor evidence for their use.[2]

初期治療一般以[[止痛藥]]為主[4]。一般建議活動應該要量力而為[2]。九成以上的疼痛將會在六周之內得到緩解。如果疼痛持續六周以上或是變的過於劇烈,也許應該考慮進行手術[4]。手術對於快速緩解疼痛有幫助,但長期效益仍然不明[2]。當腸道或膀胱也開始出現併發症時也應該考慮手術[4]。其他使用[[皮質類固醇|類固醇]]、{{link-en|康平癲|Gabapentin}}、[[針灸]]甚至是{{link-en|整脊|Spinal manipulation}}等治療,實證性仍然不足。

Depending on how it is defined, 2% to 40% of people have sciatica at some point in time.[3] It is most common during peoples 40s and 50s and men are more frequently affected than women.[2][4] The condition has been known since ancient times.[2] The first known use of the word sciatica dates from 1451.[5]
